Do I even have a fraction of a chance?

<p>UW-Madison is the biggest reach for me. WI resident, 3.2 GPA 27 ACT, taken all of the APs in my school, I've taken a college class, and I have a lot of extracurriculars. I know my GPA is reallly really low for this school, but realistically what are my chances? Do I even have a chance at all, and should I not even bother applying?</p>

<p>Since you’re in-state, I think you’ll get postponed and end up not getting in. That’s just me though. Your GPA is really rough. Any upward trend? Can you retest on the ACT and raise that up to above a 28? Your GPA is going to hurt you, though. Worth applying. If UW is your dream, do what many do, consider La Crosse or other UW for guaranteed transfer! So many do it, you can graduate from UW if it’s that important to you. There’s no “correct” or “normal” way to do it these days.</p>

<p>You should absolutely apply. No harm will come of applying. At worst, you don’t get in and you’re out the time and money for the application fee. If have any desire at all to go here, apply. </p>

<p>Instead of asking your chances, you should be asking how you can improve your application. Can you explain your comparatively low GPA in an essay? Why not retake the ACT in October (or whenever it’s offered). Make this first semester of senior year really count and great some amazing grades, so that if you get postponed, they see your hard work when you have to send in your grades.</p>

<p>Yes, you have a chance. Everyone has a chance. But your chance is nonexistent if you don’t even apply.</p>

<p>Apply, if you don’t get it, you don’t get it, at least you tried. I had a BAD GPA myself, and actually a downward trend until first semester of senior year. I took the ACT 5 times, first time being a 27 and last two being 30’s. Every ACT I took I either increased or stayed the same, never went down. It’s deff. worth retaking it. Get recommendations from teachers you know best/ seem like the ones who will spend the most time writing a great rec. Really work hard on your essays, ask your lit teacher to read it for some guidance.
Lastly try to get really good grades your first semester as senior, they will want you to send those in if you are postponed.</p>

<p>No school won’t allow you to apply, heck you can go and apply to Harvard. Always give it a try, things can be unpredictable at times.</p>

<p>Is that GPA weighted or unweighted? If it’s unweighted you have a shot. As others said take the ACT again if you’ve only taken it once or twice already and get great grades first semester this year. And put some effort into the statements and getting recommendations from people who will give you good ones.</p>