chances for an in-state student

<p>Do I even have a chance?
a 24 ACT (yes i know it is low for madison)
a 3.83 unweighted GPA
ranked 14 out of 75 in my class
3 honors classes
1 college level math class
Part-time job
Peer educator
school ambassador
team captain (golf)
I have more, but you get the idea</p>

<p>Sure. You might try another ACT or the SAT to see if you can get another point or two. Grades are more important so keep them up this Fall.</p>


<p>Retake the ACT after studying for it to improve your chances.</p>

<p>You’ve gotta improve that ACT in today’s competitive applicant pool. I truly think you’d be wait-listed if you were to apply today.</p>

<p>should I even apply according to the chart <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
I have a 75% chance with my ACT & GPA, but my top 20% with ACT gives me a 30% chance. My average chance is about about a 53% chance of getting in. Did I read the chart correctly? Should I still apply? thoughts</p>

<p>Definitely apply, but I agree with what everyone else has said - you’ve got to retake the ACT if you’re serious about going to UW. Apply early but take the ACT in September or October. There will be a place on your application to notify UW that you’re taking the ACT in the future and they will know to expect your scores. If you can pull your score up by a few points, I think you’ve got a pretty decent shot :)</p>

<p>ACT is way too low and class rank is a bit low, given your class size was only 75.</p>

<p>Do not try to get creative with statistics- you don’t play with tables to come up with the numbers you want. An “average chance” does not exist. Accept realities and spend your time changing what YOU can- your grades and test scores.</p>


<p>I spoke with an admissions counselor for like an hour when i did my visit a few weeks ago (which I highly recommend, especially if you are unsure about your chances of getting in) it was very illuminating and answered all my questions and more! The admissions process is a holistic approach, they don’t simply look at your gpa, rank and act and throw a dart at a board! The three main things they look at are grades/rank, ACT/SAT, and rigor. Your letters of rec, your personal statement, your senior schedule and grades, your grade trends, and your experience outside the classroom are all important factors too.</p>

<p>If you really want your admissions questions answered, talk to an admissions counselor at Madison, they’re on the third floor of the red gym.</p>

<p>but with a 3.8… depends on your rigor, if you took all fluff classes and only got the minimum requirements, don’t bother, that shows up on your transcript, and the apps with the fluffy transcri-DENIED</p>

<p>I decided not to apply to madison</p>

<p>I think i’ll apply to uw-lacrosse instead</p>