<p>I got in, but do i get a letter of acceptance in the mail?</p>
<p>Yes. It’s a very beautiful package, too. :)</p>
<p>Yeah, it really is a nice package.</p>
<p>And I got a handwritten note from my admissions counselor today.</p>
<p>I must say, Chicago is doing all the little things right in this waiting period.</p>
<p>kclee12, you’ll feel SO guilty when you get your letter/mailing.
it’s such a nice package with a beautiful white folder and this maroon overlap thing. even the envelope has a design on it…it’s probably the nicest thing i’ve ever received from a college. not even kidding.
to the OP, i’m going to penn too next year, soooo yeah. that envelope made me feel really guilty about not being able to go to u of c i really like the school, but penn is just wayyy cheaper / convenient for me. i guess we can live with our not so fancy penn mailing. hehe.</p>