Do I have a chance as a transfer for fall 2014?

<p>I currently go to a community college in Illinois and have 47 credits with a 4.0 gpa</p>

<p>Biology A
English 1 and 2 both As
Japanese 1 and 2 both As
finite math A
Business calculus A
macro economics A
College algebra A
precalculus A
Financial Accounting A
Japanese 3 A
Microeconomics A</p>

<p>will be taking this spring
calculus 1
physical geography
Managerial Accounting

<p>(Including these courses, I will have 61 credits)</p>

<p>high school grades are not good, around a 3.0 with many honors and AP.</p>

<p>EC include a one sport and around 60 hours of volunteering in high school</p>

<p>College ECs and awards</p>

<p>Phi Theta Kappa
Mu Alpha Theta
few clubs
will tutor this spring
leadership recognition
3x presidents list</p>

<p>Will try to transfer as an econ major</p>