Fall 2014 transfers?

<p>Hey guys,
Please put your stats here if you plan on transferring for Fall 2014.</p>

<p>HS GPA: I think around 2.0
GPA: 3.71
Major Pre-reqs Completed: All except Calculus
Intended Major: Business Administration

<p>-Member of PTK and 2 other clubs
Awards: National Engaged Leader Award</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Varsity soccer in high-school, Basketball team in high-school</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: None</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: 30+ hours</p>

<p>Personal Statement: Strong </p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
State (if domestic applicant): FL
School Type: Community College
Gender: Male
Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted): Yes</p>

Strengths: Upward trend: 3.0, 3.52, 3.86 (No Financial Aid)
Weaknesses: No job experience</p>

<p>HS GPA: 2.5 (Extremely strong upward trend and extenuating circumstances)
College GPA: 3.31 (State College in Minnesota)
Credits:29 + 16 more spring semester</p>

<p>College ECs: Captain Of a Club Sport (takes up most of my time with practice and stuff)</p>

<p>HS Extracurriculars: Just a ton of stuff that doesn’t matter that much because I’m in college now, but tons of awards, academic clubs, leadership, athletics etc.</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: Held tons of jobs in HS, currently work 10-20 hours per week</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: A lot… 100+ at least</p>

<p>2 Good letters of rec from highly respected profs</p>

<p>International transfer here.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.82 (3.9 math/science if im not mistaken)
Major: Computer Engineering
Credits: Around 40 after spring sem</p>

<p>HS Extracurriculars: Just some minor positions like secretary of clubs and newsletter editor.
College Extracurriculars: Almost nothing. It’s a small one with very few clubs.
Personal Statement: Not very good. Couldn’t relate to the questions asked at all.</p>

<p>Others: Female, asian. No work experience, volunteer service or rec letters - these stuff are hard to come by in my country.</p>

<p>Good news- your HS gpa is ancient history once you have those college credits with a gpa above a 3.0. I don’t consider not having a job in college a weakness- you are fortunate you could just study. You all do not have too many credits either- you need to take your final 60 at UW I believe. Read the UW transfer admission website for the details. Your personal statement reflects who YOU are- reach into yourself and figure out what you want to say- no wrong answers. You all look like you have good chances of being admitted based on your college careers so far.</p>

<p>UW Madison does look at high school grades but puts more or less weight on them depending on many college credits you’ve earned.</p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Applicants: Requirements and Expectations - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/transfer/requirements.php]Transfer”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/transfer/requirements.php)</p>

<p>HS GPA: I think around 3.5 by the time I graduated
GPA: 2.71
Current Major: Fisheries&Wildlife Science and Science&Agricultural Journalism Double Major; Spanish and Biology Minor
Intended Major: Wildlife Ecology
Credits: 45 taken towards GPA, 12 transfer credits, 17 in progress this spring</p>

<p>College Activities: member of Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity; participated in two alternative breaks (Habitat for Humanity-Winter Break 2012, Animal Rescue New Orleans-Spring Break 2013) and will be going to South Dakota this spring break to serve Native Americans</p>

<p>High School Extracurriculars: Cross country (Senior Leader), Band, Green Club, Science Olympiad (Co-Captain), Newspaper, Theatre (Tech)…those were senior year, I’ve done those and more previously as well</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: In high school, state park cafe and country club attendant. In college, Desk Attendant in a residence hall and Research Assistant for a professor in the School of Natural Resources</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: Aside from alternative breaks, average about 20-30 hours a semester</p>

<p>Personal Statement: Strong </p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
State (if domestic applicant): from IL, go to school in MO
School Type: Public University
Gender: Male
Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted): Maybe</p>

Strengths: Community service, work experience, GPA will rise above 3.0 after this spring semester
Weaknesses: Current low GPA</p>

<p>I will probably have to appeal the admission decision since my GPA is so low.</p>

<p>-HS GPA: 3.8
-ACT: 26
-College GPA (UW-La Crosse): 4.0
-Took Applied Calculus, Environmental Science (Lab), ENG, and Ethnic Racial Studies.
AP Psych and AP US Gov credit
-Spring Semester: Accounting 221, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Statistics, and Music Appreciation
-College Activities: Club Sport and a few volunteer activities</p>

<p>Intended Major: Operations and Technology Management, Certificate in Supply Chain Management</p>

<p>I believe I will be accepted for transfer; however, I am not certain about getting into the business school.</p>

<p>Have any Fall 2014 transfer applicants heard back yet?</p>

<p>They’re taking forever to have my materials marked “received”</p>

<p>H.S. GPA: 2.3
College GPA: 3.0</p>

<p>H.S. activities: Varsity Rowing, Varsity Swimming, Baseball, Cross Country, Freshman Class President
College Activities: Starting my own Charity, operational mid-February
Work: Sales Associate, Host at restaurant (current), Internship at a consulting firm here in D.C. during summer of 2013, and in the Catering business (current). </p>

<p>Applying for Financial Aid? Yes</p>

<p>Went to a College Prep high school in IL
HS GPA: 3.0
No honors courses
4 years football, Captain Senior year
1 year Lacrosse freshman
1 year Wrestling Varsity
125 hours of volunteer work</p>

<p>Just finished my first semester with 16 credits, doing another 16 for spring. Currently at a CC in IL
College GPA 4.0
Work Exp: (currently working two jobs) Sales Associate for a distribution company, Manual Labor in a warehouse
Volunter coach for my high schools varsity football team.
3 letters of rec: Employer, Coach, College Psych prof.
Pre-med Psych major.</p>

<p>I just sent my application this week. Anyone know how long it takes to hear back?</p>

<p>From what I read in last year’s fall transfer thread, the earliest anyone heard back was around mid-late February.</p>

<p>My high school transcript just was marked received today. I waited until the end of my first semester in college to send everything. I called and they were not in office at all over the holidays which is part of the reason why it took so long.</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.0
only 1 AP course (Enviro. Sci.)
ACT: 29 (33 English, 32 Reading, 26 Math, 25 Science)
President/founder of schools film club, senior year
Youth Group 4 years
Appalachian Service Project 2 years
Boy Scouts 6 years (Life Scout Rank)</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.81
16 credits, 16 in progress - UW Oshkosh
Joined the UWO Film Club and Community Garden</p>

<p>Madison received my application on December 27, all materials were received around early-mid January.
How does this look? I’m worried that the low level math course I was forced to take will look bad on my college transcript. I bombed the UW placement math exam and had to take an abysmally low level class.</p>

<p>@andyworks It depends on how much they weigh your college grades vs. high school grades because you don’t have a ton of college credit. Your college GPA is definitely good enough to get in but you don’t have a ton of credits. So it depends how they weight it. </p>

<p>My status changed from “received your application and are reviewing your file” to " being reviewed by one of our admission counselors" on the 25th. Anyone in the same situation, and any idea when I will probably be hearing back? </p>

<p>@fortyeightbits my status says the same thing, and it has for about a week. It changed a few days after I got everything in. I’m very curious about what that means.</p>

<p>For some reason it seems like decisions go out alot on Friday nights.</p>

<p>Oh gosh, I’m going to get so nervous every Friday now that you’ve said that! Hope we get a decision soon :)</p>

<p>Any news anybody?</p>

<p>@TransferGopher Nobody will likely hear back until at least mid February.</p>