Do I have a chance at a UC?

Hello. I currently attend a high school that earned a silver medal from the U.S. News & World Report (if this helps). I am wondering if I have a decent chance of getting in a UC with my stats.

In-State Resident

10-11th grade GPA
Weighted: 4.32
Unweighted: 3.68
UC Weighted & Capped: 4.05

I haven’t taken the SAT or the ACT yet (taking them this week and the week after, respectively) but my PSAT score is 1210.

Major: Mechanical Engineering ← This is why I’m so freaked out since it’s so competitive.

Hook: First Generation student going to college (I was born in Vietnam and came to America when I was 3. My parents only got their high school diploma in Vietnam.)

3 years of CSF
2 years of Winter Percussion
VP for a community service club
2 years of participating in a program that teaches children about science
Helped kids with disabilities over the summer of Sophomore year

Outstanding Leadership and Community Service by teaching program coordinator
4.0+ (weighted) award from school every semester since freshman year

APWH (3)
AP Calculus AB
AP English Lang
AP 2D Studio Arts
AP Physics 1
(will receive scores this summer)

Senior Workload:
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Physics 2
AP English Lit
Lab Specialist

My dream school would be UC Irvine but even then, I’m doubtful that I can get in due to its rising competitiveness.

Please answer honestly. Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

I’m sorry. I forgot to include these in my main post. I just realized that now.

My class rank is in the top 10%.

I don’t know if this matters but I didn’t include my sophomore PE grades in my GPA since it’s not part of the a-g requirements. I could if needed but I got an A both semesters.

I did 9+ years of TNTT.

PE does not count towards your UC GPA only a-g courses. Without test scores, it is hard to determine your chances but your GPA is within range. Average for ME in 2106 was 4.09. Prep for the SAT/ACT and write some outstanding essays.

Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Best of luck

Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it!! :slight_smile:

I think your First Gen status improves your chances, but I saw a few glaring things that might hurt you. You need to raise your unweighted GPA. No one cares about a weighted GPA because the number of classes you take and the rigor of those classes sways it. Unweighted is strictly your grades, so that’s what they look for. Elevate it ASAP to show an upward trend, and you’ll have a better shot.

Second, your AP World History score is low. UCs only give credit for 4s and 5s (I would know; I’m at community college applying for transfer to a UC this fall) so I worry that you won’t get credit for it and it’ll be considered void college credits. Also, you’re a more impressive applicant when you get 4s and 5s, so aim to get those on future tests. If not…then you’ll need a really strong application to get them to overlook that.

I don’t mean to suggest you’re a bad student. You’ve got a great-sounding resume so far, and you’re a First Generation immigrant, so you bring diversity. But UCs are so competitive (especially Berkeley and UCLA) that even top-notch students get turned down; i.e. I had a 4.0 for 4 years and got rejected from UCLA. The application is holistic, so you have other areas to make up for little stumbles (the essays!!! the most important IMO), but make sure you have a game plan and are staying on track to meet your academic goals while you have time left. Good luck this fall!!

^ adding to that, you say your school is award-winning, which actually hurts your chances because the applicant pool from your school is going to be more competitive. The better your school, the harder it is. It’s far more impressive to soar in dismal circumstances than do marginally well in comparison to all the other superstars from your area. Plus, you’re in an impacted major program at any of the UCs, so that’s going to be even more of an uphill battle. As a backup, look at the Cal States; while they’re not research schools like the UCs, they’re really hands-on and you gain a lot of practical experience learning there (hint: Cal Poly SLO is the most competitive and has the best programs).

@aspiringauthor7 Thank you so much for your reply! I greatly appreciate the thoroughness of everything you have mentioned!! Cal Polo SLO is also on my list of schools that I will apply to besides the UC’s. I see that you wrote how you are currently at a community college, planning to go to a UC this fall. I was also considering in going that route too (to improve my grades, save money, etc.). If you don’t mind, can you tell me your experience of going that route instead of a 4-year university? I’m an incoming senior so I am trying to sort out my future. :slight_smile:

Mechanical engineering is a very good and competitive program in UC Irvine, but it’s definitely not too far out of reach for you. Right now, your UW GPA is hurting you a bit, but I see that your UC GPA is closer to what UC Irvine would be looking for. Though I wish you had taken the SAT and ACT earlier in your junior year, your PSAT score tells me you should study hard for these upcoming tests. 1210/1520 on the PSAT is definitely not bad, but it’s not exactly what most UCs are looking for. Study hard and aim for at least 32 on the ACT and 1350 or 1400 on the SAT.

Additionally, as someone interested in mechanical engineering, you should try to participate in extracurricular activities that specialize in mechanical engineering. I would suggest you join your school’s robotics team since that pertains to mechanical engineering. Alternatively, you can also ask an engineering teacher at your school if you can be a TA, or if you can help out with the computer labs/carts. The gist of what I am trying to say is, seek out activities you can do this summer (or next school year) that are very relevant to your field of interest. I would say if you follow these tips, you have a decent shot at UC Irvine. Good luck!

Chance me back here please:

You definitely have a good chance at most of them. Berkley and UCLA might be a stretch but they’re definitely worth a shot. You have some good GPA considering that your school is competitive and your hook definitely gives you an edge. You definitely have a very good chance of getting into Irvine, especially if you can bring your SAT score up to a 1300 (which would be about a 29 on the ACT). Remember, nothing is guaranteed, so don’t get your heart set on a dream school. I agree with tripledouble2000, definitely try and participate in as many ECs as you can that show your interest in engineering.

@tripledouble2000 Thank you so much for your post! I really appreciate it!!! :slight_smile: I understand that my PSAT is on the low side which is why I’m working hard for the SAT/ACT. To address the second half of your post, I plan on being a lab assistant for my AP Physics teacher during my senior year if that helps. Now that I reflect back on my extracurricular activities, I realized that they are more geared towards a biology major rather than a mechanical engineering major as I am also volunteering for a nature camp over the summer.

@justdreaming I greatly appreciate you taking your time to help a stressed-out soul like me. Thank you!! :slight_smile: I plan on being a lab assistant for my AP Physics teacher during my senior year if that helps. However, now that I reflect back on my extracurricular activities, I realized that they are more geared towards a biology major rather than a mechanical engineering major as I am also volunteering for a nature camp over the summer. This is because I recently changed my desired major. I don’t know if I have the time to beef up my ECs for a mechanical engineering major, but I can certainly try. The 1210 was my PSAT score without studying. I strive for a 1400 on my SAT by studying really hard as it is summer break. I just hope everything lands in my favor…

@justdreaming I appreciate you taking your time to respond to a stressed-out soul like me. Thank you so much!!! :slight_smile: I completely agree on the ECs part. I plan on being a lab assistant for my AP Physics teacher during my senior year if that helps. Now that I reflect back on my extracurricular activities, I realized that they are more geared towards a biology major rather than a mechanical engineering major as I am also volunteering for a nature camp over the summer. This is because I recently switched my desired major. I do not know if I have time to beef up it in times for college apps but I can try. In addition, the 1210 is my PSAT score without studying. I strive to get a 1400 on the SAT with studying since it is summer vacation for me. I just hope everything works in my favor…

Just remember that the more competitive the major, the higher the stats need to be. The averages posted are for 2016 and I am sure 2017 admit stats will be higher. Make sure you apply to a wide range of schools, have 1-2 safeties and get some good test scores.

Freshman 2016 admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

@Gumbymom I will make note of that! Thank you!!! I was wondering if I should apply as an undecided major. Will that hurt my chances in any way? I bring this up because I changed my major 4 times over the course of my high school career. Is it hard to switch majors at a UCs? I don’t know if you have the answers to these questions but it’s worth a shot.

If you plan to major in any competitive major like ME, you need to apply as a direct admit. Trying to change into competitive majors later can many times by extremely difficult to impossible at the UC’s. It is always easier to move down in majors than move up.

@Gumbymom Ah that is true. Thank you!

you will need a very strong SAT and some compelling essays for a UCI admission. UCSC, UCR and UCM are likely to accept you - Given your major, i’d also apply to SDSU and CP Pomona.
Good luck

Sorry I am late, where have you applied to? Also what is your SAT/ACT?
You have a solid GPA for most UC’s, but UW is a bit low. I have similar GPA to you as well. However, you have decent EC’s, but none of them really relate to your major. I am not sure what your test scores is, but if it is similar to PSAT, then it is not that good. ME is very competitive, and UC’s are harder to get into. If you had atleast a 1400 or 30+, you will have a solid chance at the UC’s. Hopefully you have good essays!
UCB: reach
UCLA; reach
UCSD; low reach
UCSB: low reach
CPSLO: low reach
UCI: high match
UCD: high match
UCSC: match
UCR: low match
CPP: low match
SDSU: low match
UCM: safety

good luck in admissions