Do I have a chance at Governor's School for Internation Studies?

<p>I don't know why I'm doing this, but I am reposting in a mature, polite fashion and hoping that someone will notice.....</p>

<p>Do I have a chance at getting into Governor's School for International Studies?</p>

<p>My positive circumstances:</p>

<p>All AP and Honors Classes
AP American History teacher will likely submit perfect reference (he loves me)
Deep interest/experience with economics and public policy
Relatively decent GPA</p>

<p>My negative circumstances:</p>

<p>No documented lingual experience beyond High School German (3 years)
German Teacher has poor relationship with me (will likely submit poor reference)
Debilitating "91" in first quarter for German</p>

<p>How important is the language aspect to getting into PGSIS?</p>

<p>In light of these negative circumstances, is it worth putting in the prolonged effort to work out the application over this holiday?</p>

<p>I attended PGSIS. MY language credentials were also pretty weak. I was a year behind and currently had a B. I think my rec was decent, but nothing great. So, I think for some people, the language portion of the application is what gets them in, but if the other parts of you application are really good, it shouldn’t hold you back.</p>

<p>Also, keep in mind that they look at PSAT and AP scores. My math score was horrible, but verbal was very good and I had 2 “5s” on AP tests.</p>

<p>But really, the most important part of the app is your essays. If your essays are solid, you have a good chance of getting in despite other factors.</p>

<p>Also, the director LOVES community service, so if you have some good volunteer work, that should help.</p>

<p>Basically, if you think you can write two good essays, go for it. It is SOO worth the effort if you get in, and if you don’t, you’ll have your resume and some essays ready for next year when you are applying to college.</p>

<p>Thank You!</p>

<p>This is very helpful, indeed!</p>

<p>so did you end up applying?</p>

<p>i’m typing those essays as we speak. (or as i type?)
i feel like the one where it’s like, connect a problem where you live + in the world is kicking my ass</p>

<p>good luck to everybody that applied!! </p>

<p>SmilingWOlf, I felt the same way about the 2nd essay… we’ll see how it turns out…</p>

<p>Does anybody know when they notify you if you’ve gotten in or not??</p>

<p>yenrod, can you talk a little bit about your experience at PGSIS? was it SUPER INTENSE???</p>

<p>do you guys know how strict they are on word limits?
they say 2 pages double spaced for the chief essay but i have more than that:(</p>

<p>@smiling wolf
I changed my borders to be pretty thin to get two pages double paced to fit (plus bibliography). But I don’t know if it is the best idea to go over 2 pages when it specifically says 2. Maybe you could put sources on a 3rd page maximum.</p>


<p>Super intense? Yeah, I would say that. BUT IT IS SO COMPLETELY WORTH IT.</p>

<p>Basically the pre-arrival work they give you and the first week of work is EXTREMELY overwhelming (some people cried even). But then, you learn to work with the people around you, you learn what you really don’t need to do, and you learn what is actually important to do. They told us that their strategy is to inundate us with enough work that it is humanly impossible to finish it all. Then, the students must learn to prioritize and work together to focus on what they care about and neglect what’s not important</p>

<p>But that is just academics. There is SO MUCH more to gov school than, well, school. Oakland is great, and the people I met are the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege to call my friends. A good group of us have stayed in very close contact and its just really the best. Everyone cries every time we say goodbye after a reunion (and I’m talking guys and girls).</p>

<p>Gov school is not just a 5 week experience. I know its corny, but it really did change my life and I keep realizing how far its impact has reached.</p>

<p>Does anybody know when they inform us whether we have been accepted or not?</p>

<p>I’m rather shocked that the discussion continued after my last post! </p>

<p>Anyway, I buckled down, finished the application, and sent it in with just one day left before the postmark deadline! Thanks again Yenrod.</p>

<p>What sort of global concerns did everyone choose? I wrote about the demographic concerns of the West’s ageing population. I had plenty of sources, but the difficult part was convincingly covering the issue in two pages.</p>

<p>I’ll admit my works cited pages took up an entire third page. That won’t hurt me will it?</p>

<p>Yenrod? Anyone there?</p>

<p>Hey sorry, haven’t been on for a while haha</p>

<p>Glad to hear you got your application in! I believe they send out letters in April. But I really don’t remember.</p>

<p>I don’t know if your woks cited will help or hurt you. My bib only consisted of four sources squeazed at the bottom of my second page. But, when we got there, the director specifically stated that people who did not cite sources and/or plagiarized were immediatly eliminated from the applicant pool. So perhaps your thorough research and citations will help you.</p>