<p>Well? I hope this would catch someone's attention.</p>
<p>I have just three years of high school German and my teacher there does not like me very much to write an exceptional reference...</p>
<p>Other than that I'm great...</p>
<p>Should I bother with the exhausting application process???????????????</p>
<p>I'm running out of time and rather desperate, so I posted twice...</p>
<p>SoMe PeOpLe GeT VeRy TuRnEd OfF WhEn ThEy SeE ThIs<<<<<
(oh, and I’m sorry to say, but I have no info with which to help you for your question.)</p>
<p>I was going to say the same thing.</p>
<p>You’re making my eyes bleed, boy!</p>
<p>Someone should give you a ‘shift’-key limit. If you write like that, not only will you have no chance but the Dementors will come and steal your soul.</p>
<p>Seriously, you don’t give enough info about your other stats for me (or anyone else unless they’re psychic) to even hazard a guess. You should know…if the rest of your transcript is outstanding, it shouldn’t be too terrible an impact.</p>
<p>Rude? Yes. I’ll admit it.</p>
<p>But I tried days ago (in a more polite fashion) and got no responses. So I’ll call this a success for now.</p>
<p>INFO (I think this is what you need):</p>
<p>I’m in all the AP’s and otherwise highest classes offered at my school for my grade level.</p>
<p>My AP American History teachers loves me and I can count on a perfect (yes, perfect) application from him</p>
<p>I have a strong background in economics and public policy and can presumably write good essays if I decide to pour my life into them for the rest of the holiday…</p>
<p>The problem is: my ONLY documented lingual background is three years of High School German, and not only does the teacher not like me, but I received a debilitating “91” this quarter…</p>
<p>In light of all this, is it worth applying???</p>
<p>Do I have chance???</p>
<p>(I apologize for turning off anyone with my blitzkrieg posting tactic)</p>
<p>nobody’s gonna help you with that idiotic title… i can’t even read that 13-year old-girl-myspace ****</p>
<p>Even these scolding responses are better than any help I ever got before.</p>
<p>If you need INFO, I did post it above…Otherwise, thanks for acknowledging my existence anyway.</p>
<p>Look, I’m desperate.</p>
<p>hahaha i have no information to help you but this made me laugh</p>
<p>I think you should repost without that title looking the way it does.</p>
<p>Are you kidding???</p>
<p>EVERYONE is coming here!!!</p>
<p>and maybe someone’ll help, TOO!!!</p>
<p>that was just a suggestion assuming that you actually wanted help, and not more criticism. But you never know.</p>
<p>In spite of my attitude, I actually do want help…</p>
<p>Can you help?</p>
<p>I’d like to. Trust me if I could I would have put you out of your misery a while back. Don’t have any info about what you’re referring to in your question. I’m definitely not qualified to answer. Sorry.</p>
<p>I appreciate it anyway. I really do.</p>
<p>Right now I’m just waiting for someone who can answer.</p>
<p>In the meantime, who are the Dementors?</p>
<p>[only second in priority to stated question]:</p>
<p>INFO (I think this is what you need):</p>
<p>I’m in all the AP’s and otherwise highest classes offered at my school for my grade level.</p>
<p>My AP American History teachers loves me and I can count on a perfect (yes, perfect) application from him</p>
<p>I have a strong background in economics and public policy and can presumably write good essays if I decide to pour my life into them for the rest of the holiday…</p>
<p>The problem is: my ONLY documented lingual background is three years of High School German, and not only does the teacher not like me, but I received a debilitating “91” this quarter…</p>
<p>In light of all this, is it worth applying???</p>
<p>Do I have chance???</p>
<p>INFO (I think this is what you need):</p>
<p>I’m in all the AP’s and otherwise highest classes offered at my school for my grade level.</p>
<p>My AP American History teachers loves me and I can count on a perfect (yes, perfect) application from him</p>
<p>I have a strong background in economics and public policy and can presumably write good essays if I decide to pour my life into them for the rest of the holiday…</p>
<p>The problem is: my ONLY documented lingual background is three years of High School German, and not only does the teacher not like me, but I received a debilitating “91” this quarter…</p>
<p>In light of all this, is it worth applying???</p>
<p>Do I have chance???</p>
<p>Unless anyone else responds HERE to help me, I promise this will be my last post on this thread.</p>