
<p>I'm currently a High School Junior and I'm seeking a career involving Economics/Diplomacy/Public Policy. Likewise, I've long felt that PA Governor's School for International Studies would be crucial for future applications as well as the experience itself.</p>

<p>The problem is...</p>

<p>I've read an awful lot about how important the language aspect is to the selection process. To be considered "competitive" I'd have to have studied a foreign language in depth or be bilingual. That option has simply never been available.</p>

<p>At the very least my application will require an excellent recommendation by my German teacher -- whom I've had for three years now. I'm afraid this may be impossible however, since she and I have had personality conflicts in the past and at best I can expect a lukewarm reference. She's also given me an embarassing "91" for German this quarter.</p>


<p>I'm in all honors/AP classes.</p>

<p>My GPA is decent (though brought down slightly by that "91" I received from German).</p>

<p>I have a wealth of experience with Economics, public policy, and international issues thanks to my work in Extemporaneous Speaking. (so the other essays will be no problem)</p>

<p>I can expect a perfect recommendation from my Am. Hist. AP teacher.</p>

<p>Given my German problem, am I doomed from the start? I have 16 days of Christmas Vacation to work on this application if I have a chance. Would spending this invaluable time on a Governor's School application be a waste of time???</p>

<p>Will someone “chance” me? (it’s such a strange term, but everyone’s using it)</p>

<p>It might not be college, but it’s still pretty important…</p>

<p>go for it…what have you got to lose?</p>

<p>lots of time</p>

<p>HELLO…Hello…hello…Is there anybody in there? Please nod if you can see me.</p>

<p>If this entire thread does not belong here, could somebody inform me?</p>
