<p>Here are my stats
I applied Early Decision to Tufts
4.47 weighted GPA top 5% of my class or higher
sat 1 2180
math II satII 710
biology satII 720
swimming on club team for 9 years
swimming on high school team for 4 years (captain)
tennis jv junior year
tennis varsity senior year- 3rd singles, iron hills honorable mention
treasurer, president of WECARE
numerous clubs
tutor for underprivileged children and high school
lifeguard and work at temple (tutor) 2 years
piano for 9 years- numerous awards
Mount Holyoke Book Award, National Honor Society Member
volunteered at summer camp for mentally disabled 2 years
went to costa rica for community service/spanish emersion
AP History 4
AP Biology 4
Currently taking 5 AP Courses
do i have a shot??</p>
<p>yes, you have a chance</p>
<p>they asked me to send in my first semester grades which weren’t that good
do you think that will greatly affect my chances?</p>
<p>absolutely not, your academic record is pretty outstanding.
your sat scores are great, and you should have no problem getting in.</p>
<p>about 45% i’d guess</p>
<p>Will it hurt that nine people from a school near me are applying?</p>
<p>Well, you are going to be compared against the average accepted profile of a student from your highschool who applied years prior and got accepted into Tufts. Admissions ppl usually keep a profile of old ppl that they accept from each highschools year to year and compare what the average standard AP courseload, activities, etc…</p>
<p>You are more likely to be compared against ppl applying from the same region/state as oppose to ppl from your highschool. Admission officers have states that they are responsible of reviewing etc…</p>
<p>I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone
My guidance counselor suggested I write a letter explaining my low grades due to my busy schedule but I feel that is a pretty lame excuse considering many other people do as many activities as I do
should I write the letter?</p>
does anyone else have an opinion??
I’m dying to go to Tufts and my parents don’t think I’ll get in</p>