Do i have a chance at uc davis?

<p>Sat score: not out yet (jan)</p>


<p>English 1 H: A/A
Biology H b-/A-
French 2 A-/A-
Geography H / comp. sci (1 semester each) B+/A
Geometry H B-/B+
Physical Edu A-/A-</p>


<p>English 2 H A/A
Chem H B/B+
French 3 A-/A-
Ap World History B-/A-
Algebra 2 H B-/B+
Physical Edu B+/A-</p>


<p>English 3 H B+
Ap Biology B- (or B, pending on finals)
French 4 B+ or (A- pending on finals)
Ap U.S History B
Pre-Calculus Honors C+ (or B- pending on finals)
Art A+ (EASY CLASS)</p>

<p>help? ANYONE?</p>

<p>I am on the verge of a c in bio (noooo)</p>


<p>UCD is kinda a low reach for you</p>