Do I have a chance of getting into these colleges?

<p>At the beginning of my freshman year my mother was ran over by a car and broke both of her legs, among many other extensive injuries. For two year she was back and forth at the hospital having surgeries, and I was by her side. So, because of this my freshman and sophmore GPA's were very low. Just barely making the 2.0 mark.
I just finished my junior year with a 4.4 GPA.
And i'm taking all honors classes next month when I start my senior year.</p>

<p>My dream schools are Princeton and Dartmouth (don't laugh please)
I just wanted to know if there is even the smallest chance of getting in.</p>

<p>If not those schools, what about:
University of Florida
Florida State University
University of North Florida
University of Washington
Western Washington University
University of Puget Sound</p>

<p>I want to study pre-med in college, so what colleges would be best for me that I would be able to get into, and are good pre-med schools?</p>

<p>(Sorry about the story at the beginning, I don't mean to make excuses for my grades, I just wanted to explain why my grades were so low for 9th and 10th grade. Although I take full responsibilty for the appalling GPA's.)</p>

<p>I am very sorry to hear about your mom. However, the subject would make an excellent topic for one essay, showing colleges why your GPa is a bit on the low side and also how you rapidly improved during junior year. The ivies are crap shoots for anyone but with good SAT scores, recs, ECS, etc, I think you may have a chance!!! GOod luck!!!</p>

<p>man i'm sorry about your mom too. And no need to apologize for making excuses, I have mine too. Anyways, here's what I think:</p>

<p>University of Florida:
Florida State University:
University of North Florida: In but don't know much about it
University of Washington: Reach just because you're OOS and not on the same coast to make it easier. but i'm not going to say it's impossible only because they might want someone from the east coast, and your essays would kick ass.
Western Washington University: in
University of Puget Sound: In? idk much about this one</p>

<p>ok i have many suggestions for you. look at university of oregon, washington state, arizona state university, georgia state, maybe clemson?, nc state, indiana university at bloomington, university of minnesota, university of iowa which i think has a good premed, boston unversity maybe, FIU and FAU in your state. You have tons of options still, so don't be limited to only that list. I think you can get into numerous places, and the ones above idk if they have premed but def. look into them</p>

<p>oh and chance me! <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Ace the SAT and it could work out...</p>

<p>Ok, so i think you will need to write an amazing essay. You should write about how your experience with your mothers accident changed you and how it changed you. Dream big...I am...and Good Luck....with everything!
Chance me back,thanks.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>