-35 points predicted IB (higher than UT’s average which is about 33) including a 6 predicted in HL Chemistry and 5 in Biology
-1A* 5As 3Bs on a British international exam (IGCSE)
-My highest SAT scores (New SAT) are a 630 in math and a 540 in Reading (combined to 1170)
-Football extra curriculum
-Some community service/volunteer experience
Preferred course of study is Biochemistry
Underrepresented minority (African American)
What’s your class rank? And also, what’s your math, reading, and writing subscores? (the ones on your score report that ranges from 10-40 points)
My school doesn’t rank, 27 reading 27 writing, 31.5 math why?
Your chances are extremely slim, even more so if you are an international student.
Your SAT is low for UT, especially CNS.
I’m not an international student, don’t my high IB scores (gpa) compensate? And will I be able to send the january scores?
Bc ur school doesn’t rank, UT will estimate a rank out of your scores. Even in an optimistic scenario where UT calculates you to be in the top 5%, your Academic Index is a 3.083. Your ECs are meh so I would probably calculate your Personal Achievement Index to be about a 3 out of 6. Of course your PAI is also heavily dependent on your essay quality. Based on that and the fact that you are competing for one of only 10% of UTs admissions slots, I would say your chances aren’t that great.
And no, the deadline for supporting documentation including grades was December 8th so you can’t send those in.
You can play around with the AI formula for natural sciences for yourself if you want.
-1.617 + (SAT Math * .003) + (HSR * .020) + (SAT CR * .001) + (SAT W * .001)
@oviandhisbros- have you already applied? If so, just wait to see what happens. I agree that CNS for biochemistry will be tough. But UT sometimes surprises and they also have special programs that help the kids who are borderline academically qualified and offer them extra support. Hang in there.
hey! I actually live in Texas and UT is a REALLY big school. They automatically accept the top 7% of every single class in Texas so it’s really big. You are really qualified and you do have a chance to get in, but the only reason why they might accept is because they don’t have enough room in their freshman class. They actually get kids to drop out after their freshman year because it’s so jam packed. Nevertheless, you should still apply I’m not sure if you’ll get in but, I hope you do! Chance me back please