Do I Have A Freakin' Chance?

<p>hope you dont mind but.. what school do you go to? im just really ignorant when it comes to selecting the proper university.. sorry.</p>

<p>I'm 49, went to Berkeley, have a friend who's son went to Pepperdine for grad school, have a kid at Michigan, another kid in high school and I live in Cal. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>oh hell.. you went to berkeley? geez! wish i had a chance to go there. all i really want about pepperdine is that, aside from ranking in the top 50 schools, they give big grants and financial aids.. thats always good. does berkeley do the same?</p>

<p>If you need grants and aid and you are out-of-state, I think you have a very, very, very slim chance. The UCs priority is to educate California kids and that is where the aid is going to flow.</p>

<p>You need to look at private schools or go in-state.</p>

<p>or i guess i'll have to let go of grants and aids.. hahaha all for the glory of getting into the UC system!.. what schools in cali and florida (where the sun is always shining) would you consider really good schools? well, aside from satnford, UCB and UCLA where i dont satnd a chance..</p>

<p>UMich looks like a great school. Why dont you retake SATs for a better score?</p>

<p>nah, i dont think i'll like UMich.. consider me superficial or shallow or whatever but i'd like to go some place where the sun's always up.. not like this hellhole suburban illinois.. hehe um, isnt that if your gonna transfer after 60 credits of college work, the university wont be minding SAT scores already? thats how i understand the application process for transfers.. am i right? im not a big fan of the dreaded SAT's.. id rather wipe someone's ass than re-take it.. hehe</p>

<p>I believe that some colleges won't look at your SATs in admissions decisions, after you've been in college for 2 years. </p>

<p>Anyways, you could go to MANY places with a GPA like that. Miami IS a good school, don't let people talk you out of that. They have some very strong programs, others, not so strong. And, it's fabulous weather. You won't be able to walk to the beach after class and get a tan at an Ivy League school.</p>

<p>What are you interested in majoring in? What do you want in a school? Do you want a big school, a small school? Can you afford a private education? Is there any area of the country you don't want to go to?</p>

<p>hey dstark, yo.. um, with my stats.. you think i'll get into USC? i heard its UCLA'S rival school.. cuz if UCLA wont accept my out of state ass then might as well go and join their match.. you think its possible they'll accept me?</p>

<p>A2Wolves6: well, i plan to major in history or political science because iam aspiring to venture into law someday.. and um, i dont really have a preference for the type of community (public or private).. both small and big schools will do for me.. and as much as possible, id like to go to cali and florida schools.. any suggestions? thanks very much</p>

<p>Yes, but only if you apply. You have a chance at many places. You don't have to keep starting threads and asking all over the place. That won't get you in anywhere. You actually have to apply.</p>

<p>There are plenty of books and web sites that can help you. Good luck.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks.. im just really worried.. and pressured because my sister got into northwestern.. transferring is hell. my mom's pushing me to level with my sister.. well, im trying.. i'll get sane eventually, i hope..</p>

<p>USC will admit you. That's a great school in California. They automatically admit students with a 3.3 community college GPA from anywhere. I don't know much about Law schools and where the better undergraduate schools are, other than reading the US News rankings. Berkeley is also a great school, that you have a good chance at. You should also be able to get into UCLA. Maybe even Stanford, although it's hard for about anyone.</p>

<p>Florida doesn't have many great schools, especially at the law program. U of Florida is 41st, and Miami is 73rd. For the overall school, U of Florida is 50th and Miami is 55th.</p>

<p>Here are links to top law schools and top schools overall.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>These are national universities - big schools. There are also some LACs worth considering, although I don't know anything about LACs other than the US News ranks.</p>

<p>so you think i'll make berekeley and UCLA? no *******<em>?.. great.. that awesome. i'll take your word for it and definetely apply. though, i'd settle for USC if i get in. thanks for the useful info. *high five</em></p>

<p>You have put yourself in a great situation. Going to a community college for 2 years was a great idea, and it will pay dividends for you. A high GPA in college, proving that you can handle the workload, is more important to admissions counselors than a freshman's SAT scores. Lots of bad advice is given on this board. I wish the best of luck to you wherever you apply. Make sure you have some safety schools however.</p>

<p>thanks very much, A2Wolves.. wish all the best for you, too.. for whatever that is..</p>

<p>isnt miami a better school than UF?</p>

<p>They are ranked almost the same in the US News rank, if you use that to judge how good a school is. They have near the same acceptance rate, and test scores.</p>