Hi Guys,
So I’m kinda stressed out that I’ve only taken 3 AP’s in my whole high school career and I’m going into senior year. I’ve only taken AP Environmental Science, AP U.S History, and AP English Language and Composition (all taken in junior year).
In terms of grades for those courses I got an A in English and Environmental Science and a B in History. Regarding exam scores, I got a 5 in History and English and a 2 in Environmental Science.
I’m scared I didn’t take enough and colleges won’t like seeing only 3 AP’s on my transcript. I’m aiming for pretty good schools (not Ivies, but still up there).
I am however taking 5 AP’s my senior year…
What are your thoughts? Is it enough? Please please help!!
I’m in the same boat as you, but my excuse is that I changed schools twice and neither of my previous schools offered APs for freshies or sophomores. So I literally couldn’t have taken any.
The question you should ask yourself is this: why didn’t you take more? Did your school not allow it? Were you not motivated, but then you became more motivated? All these things can be explained to the adcoms with the essays, and you should most definitely explain why you didn’t take more APs. If, in the context of your school, you’ve taken as many APs as you could (or that you felt comfortable with), then you won’t be penalized.
@ineedhelpyo What schools are you applying to? I had a friend who was accepted to MIT and UCB Regents (ultimately MIT c/o 2019), and he only took 4 APs sophomore and junior combined. He got 5s in Calc BC, Chinese, and Chem, and a 4 in APLAC. I am kind of in the same boat as you. My school restricts weighted classes for underclassmen and prohibits double enrollment (i.e. AP Chem and Physics in a single year), and I had to test in to take Chinese 4H my freshman year. I was not in advanced track math, so I have not taken an AP math yet (I will take Calc BC my senior year). However, I did get to take AP Chinese my sophomore year (if you didn’t take APCS here, then this was a viable option, not many people take APs as sophomores.). I have take 4 AP tests in total, same as my friend, but APUSH instead of Calc, and the exact same scores as he got.
Freshman year the only AP we could take was Human Geo, but I didn’t know that when I registered for my classes. Then I moved to a new high school and when I was registering for classes there the advisor didn’t inform me that I could’ve taken AP classes like AP Chemistry or AP Psychology. So basically I just wasn’t properly informed and didn’t think I could, but otherwise I most definitely would’ve taken more.
I don’t want to write that in my essays though because I feel like the admissions officers will think I’m just complaining or that it’s my fault I didn’t properly investigate and inquire. So I don’t know what to do. But thank you for your help and response. @BabylonBabylon
UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, NC State University, Carnegie-Mellon, UCLA, Stanford, MIT, NYU, and maybe Princeton @michelle426
@ineedhelpyo don’t mention lack of AP classes in your essays. Just submit it. When your counselor sends their rec to colleges, they check a checkbox regarding your course rigor. AO’s know what is offered at your school, and they will know what you have taken. There’s nothing you can do about it now. To say “I wasn’t properly informed” is not really an acceptable response.
Yeah I agree, but do you think AO’s will appreciate that I’ve taken 5 more AP’s senior year? Bringing my total to 8? I’ve already decided to apply regular decision to all my schools because I need those first semester grades on my transcript in order to strengthen it. @michelle426
@ineedhelpyo By your colleges, I would assume you live in NC correct? Also, why do you have no safeties? I see only one possible one there, and the rest are reaches.
Yes I do, and I do have safeties I just didn’t bother listing them (ECU, App State, Elon, etc.). Which one do you think is possible for me? And why do you say the others are reaches? Is the little number of AP classes I’ve taken that big of a acceptance deal-breaker for AO’s? @michelle426
@ineedhelpyo Hate to break it to you, but UCs never look at your senior year grades unless it’s for admission retraction or augmented review (<6% of UCB kids were subjected to this). If you are OOS, you are in a bit of a struggle for UCLA because your Honors courses are null, and you only have 3 APs (only source of weight for OOS kids). I am a CA resident, and my honors courses count, and despite the fact that I have taken the same amount of APs as you, I took an additional AP test for a course not even offered at my school, and then took all the honors courses I could to make up for my standard track math. Your course rigor for previous years would be considered relatively weak compared to the standard OOS applicant, and but senior course rigor seems completely fine. But by all means, still apply to your schools. You miss all the shots you don’t make.
Also, kinda hard to chance you without any other stats.
Ah I see, I didn’t know that. So they wouldn’t even consider my senior year grades even if they were on my transcript? @michelle426
Lol I agree. I’ll just give you a small breakdown though in case you have any extra time and would be willing to chance me. But regardless thanks for your help! Much appreciated.
ACT: 34
SAT: 2230 (CR: 710, M: 730, W: 790)
SAT 2 Tests: U.S History (760), Chemistry (740), Math (780)
AP Exams: U.S History (5), APLAC (5), APES (2 - NOT sending this)
GPA: 3.8 unweighted, 4.6 weighted
Class Rank: top 12%
I also have very good extracurriculars (mainly in sports), but I’m not going to list those unless you’d really like. @michelle426
@ineedhelpyo Your first term senior grades will only be used if you are subjected to augmented review (around mid year, you will be notified if you are chosen for augmented review). Your final senior grades are used to see whether or not your admission status holds.
I need your UC GPA to chance you. Tell me how many As, Bs, Cs, etc. you have earned in 10-11 a-g courses. When you apply, you self report your grades and test scores. YOUR ENTIRE TESTING HISTORY IS REQUIRED. AP test scores and grades will be verified if you are accepted (so don’t lie. you’ll get yourself in a mess). Your SAT and ACT seem great (your ACT is admittedly a little better). And if your ECs are good, you have just a good a shot as anyone for the school. Do you have an intended major? Can you afford the $55k+ a year?
Out of all the 24 courses I’ve taken in 9-11th grade I’ve gotten 20 A’s and 4 B’s (in NC a B is a 85-92 rather than a 80-90 BUT they’re changing that this year!).
AW really?! I didn’t know they required your whole testing history! I guess I’m not really worried about that except for the 2 I got for my AP Environmental Science exam 
And my intended major is computer engineering/computer science. Yes I can afford the ridiculously high tuition fee
@ineedhelpyo UCs only look at 10-11 grades. Right now, your UC GPA is definitely over a 4.0, and I think you have good chances as an OOS state student (because GPA is king at UC) despite your course rigor. Good luck. Also, that one 2 won’t ruin you. Calm down lol. I know CompSci is an incredibly tough major, but major isn’t considered for admission at UCLA L&S, so you have a good a chance as anyone else.
Lol okay thanks a lot!! Good luck to you too! @michelle426
Colleges see your senior year schedule. No college will ever think 8 APs over the course of your entire HS years is not enough.
Thanks! I feel better now