Do I have to put first quarter senior year grades if my school is on the quarter system?

At my school, classes meet everyday and finish in a semester instead of a year. Students take 4 classes in the fall and four different ones in the spring instead of eight year-long classes. This means students are assigned grades for four separate quarters. The first quarter ends October 31st, 1 day before you can submit the UC App. Currently, I have a B in one of my senior classes and i’m not sure I can get an A. I’m wondering if I need to put these first quarter grades on my UC application. The quarter technically ends before the UC App can be submitted, however final grades are not due officially until a week later. I’m worried if I say the grades are in progress, it could seem dishonest because the UCs might find out my quarter ended October 31st. I know if they think you lied on your Transcript, they rescind your admission. If I submit my application before my grades are officially final, will it still be considered dishonest?

Are the quarter grades posted on your transcript? If yes, then you should include them only if they are “official” grades. If not, then you do not have to report them.

@Gumbymom They appear around November 9th. Does that mean if I report my grades before then I don’t need to report them?

One B Senior year will not be an issue when applying to the UC’s and they do not consider Senior year grades in their admission decisions. If other students at your HS do report their quarter grades on their UC application, it might look a bit suspicious. If they are posted on your transcript prior to submitting your application, I would list them. If it makes you feel better, submit your UC application prior to Nov 9th and this solves your dilemma.

@Gumbymom Well if I submit it prior to November 9th, will that still look suspicious?

Why? Ask you counselor what students applying to the UC’s have done in the past.

@Gumbymom ok that is what I will do.

Please update once you talk to your counselor. Again one B will not have a huge impact on your chances.