Do I have to submit FAFSA to every college all at once?

<p>Hopefully someone can answer my question!</p>

<p>Does FAFSA work like the CSS profile where you can submit few colleges at a time and then later add additional colleges?? Or do i have to submit all my colleges at once? </p>

<p>Also, would it be advantageous to submit the FAFSA to all 9 of my colleges at once? Some of them don't want the FAFSA until April when others need it Feb. 1st. Thanks!!</p>

<p>You can submit it to some now & more later (just make sure you let enough time lapse between changes to make sure the original set was processed before you make changes).</p>

<p>You can send them to all now. That way, you won’t forget any schools.</p>

<p>I always read about students who worry that colleges will see the other schools they send the FAFSA to. To be perfectly honest, I can’t imagine that schools are bothering to look at this info - I know that I don’t have time, and the computer screen where it resides is not one I regularly peruse. I suppose it might make a difference at some ultra competitive colleges, but I would bet the vast majority of schools are not bothering to check the schools where you sent your FAFSA.</p>