Do I have to take Chemistry?

<p>I'm entering 11th grade, and so far in high school, I've taken an Intro to Chemistry class and Honors Biology. Everyone says I should take Honors Chemistry, but I'd rather not take it. I'm not planning on majoring in anything science. I really want to take a Meteoreology class because I find it really interesting. I don't have space in my schedule to double up in sciences, and next year (senior year) I'm not taking a science class at all because I'll be doing an internship for half the day.</p>

<p>Could not taking Chemistry seriously hurt my chances at top colleges?</p>

<p>I don’t think it would hurt you, but it would only benefit you to take chemistry. I would say do what you want to do though that is more important down the road than doing something forced. </p>

<p>You should define “top colleges”. If you mean like HYPS like that, that’s … mehh … So, it depends. Just make sure that you have enough science credits to have the requirements for admissions.</p>

<p>I’m confused. You said you did a Intro to Chemistry class. Was this a year long class or no? o.O</p>

<p>zap, my Intro to Chemistry course was a yearlong course. However, Intro to Chemistry (pretty much a joke freshman class) is different from Honors Chemistry, which I will be taking next year.</p>

<p>^^^I agree. I think it would help you if you took it. However, if you do have enough science credits and you strongly oppose taking the class, then I think you will be fine.</p>