Do I need to take calculus in college for my major (nursing)?

Okay so i’m a senior in high school and I’m currently taking calculus. I currently have a D in the class and quarter grades are due like by the end of the first quarter. I want to drop the class because i’m struggling in the class and my gpa is going to suffer if I don’t pass the class by the end of the semester. I don’t want to drop it bc it’s competitive but at the same I’m thinking of my gpa. Should I drop it? Is the class even necessary for my major?

youll just take the class in college anyways. unless youre taking ap calc and get like a 5 on the test.

I’m taking AP calculus. But do I need to take in college for my major?

No. But you WILL definitely take statistics.
PS- are you sure its calculus thats your problem and not your algebra skills? and i dont mean that in a bad way, i used to think calculus was super hard till i figured out the problem was i wasnt good at advanced algebra.(you know, 4x^3s and shit like that all over the place)

Calculus is not required for nursing. Some colleges will require 3 or 4 math classes in high school as a prerequisite. If you haven’t taken statistics and plan to drop calculus anyway, it would help if you could switch to AP Statistics instead.

I agree - you do not need calculus for nursing. But, at this point, your options may be - are you in AP Calc? Can you switch into regular or honors Calc & get a tutor? It may be too late to switch to AP Stats or regular Stats without feeling equally lost. It all depends when school started for you. My dd started mid August & she is in week 7 of the semester. Perhaps, if you started school after Labor Day, your school may allow you to make a change but you may need a tutor to get caught up in Stats, nonetheless. Some schools offer Discrete Math which may be an easier alternative too. Stats would be better & more geared for nursing but, at this point, you do not want to switch & still get a D. My daughter is taking AP Stats now after having taken Honors Math Analysis last year. It is so different from previous math classes & she has needed to see the teacher after school for extra help for understanding the conceptualization of the Stats problems so AP Stats is no walk in the park but easier than Calc.

Calculus is a waste for nursing, unless you want to eventually apply to med school, or possibly if you are applying to an extremely selective university. I agree with the people above - see if you can switch into stats if possible. Most nursing programs require a stats course. Nursing is a great field for people who are really really good at sciences but not that great at math.

i asked my counselor today and she said that my school does not offer statistics. The highest math class is calculus. I already did algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry (during the summer), and pre-calculus. I’m planning on applying to universities of california…

Some schools offer internet based independent studies courses. That might be a way to get a year’s worth of credit in the remaining part of the school year.