Do I need to take more foreign language courses?

<p>Let me ask this better.</p>

<p>IF I took two years of a foreign language in high school, would I need to take it again or complete more? My major is sociology and I'm not sure if that is a requirement.</p>

<p>two years is the basic requirement, if you want to get into a good college you should take three regardless of what major you are in</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter what your proposed major is for college admissions- you are competing with everyone for a spot. Read the UW freshman admissions page- they have a chart with required HS courses and hours and what most who get in have. For the best chance of admission you want to have 4 units of a HS language although only 2 are required. </p>

<p>The UW College of L&S requires 3 units (semester hours or HS years) of a foreign language to get a BS and 4 units of one foreign language or 3 of one plus 2 of the second for a BA degree. You can get a BA or BS in L&S regardless of your major.</p>

<p>Therefore you will need 2 (1 for a BS) more units of the same language (for which you need to take the placement test and place into the third level) or take 3 semesters of a second language for the BA degree.</p>

<p>Do at least 3yrs and senior year pick up an extra AP…but then again I plan to go into engineering</p>