Do I need TOEFL?!@#$!

<p>I am a permanent resident and came here like 3 yrs ago… (was here since freshmen year)
Am I considered as international student just bc my native language isn’t english?
I didn’t take TOEFL…(didn’t really thought about it) and I’m kind of worried about it… T-T
FYI, I got CR660 for last JAN. test. and my CR680 for Dec. test</p>

<p>should i give up on BU?</p>

<p>Calm down. Haha. </p>

<p>You dont need to take TOEFL. </p>

<p>Your CR is pretty good for someone who came here 3 years ago. I know people who have lived here all their lives/are native english speakers who couldnt get their CR score past 600. </p>

<p>Just explain things in your app.</p>

<p>I don’t think a mere explanation will not solve this problem. I hope so but…
arghhhhhhhhhh I sent an email to BU person and she gave me a copy and paste answer, which does not answer my question.</p>

<p>I think you’re only considered an international student if you aren’t a US citizen or a green card holder. If you’re there in the US on a student visa then you’ll probably be seen as international.</p>

<p>The website is a bit vague on this, most other universities say that a score of 550+ on the critical reading will constitute as English proficiency. :/</p>

<p>How is a uni supposed to know if your first language isn’t English though, I thought on the Common App that bit where you put your native language is optional?</p>