Do I qualify for a hispanic scholarship?

<p>My dad was born in Cuba but my mom was born in New York and is white. I look completely white and my last name is far from latino. I was wondering if I qualify as a hispanic.</p>

<p>Go to collegeboard website and it will answer your question under national hispanic recognition program info.</p>



<p>This has been covered on this forum a bunch of times. Your skin color and your surname do not determine your Hispanic status.</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, Cubans who are not of African heritage tend to be lighter, as a group, than many other Hispanic sub-groups.</p>

<p>If your dad is a Cuban-American, than yes, as long as the requirements for a given scholarship don’t require you to be more than half-Hispanic, you qualify.</p>


<p>10 char</p>

<p>Your situation is similar to mine, and we are both indeed Hispanic by the standards stated for the scholarship.</p>

<p>NOTE: The OP asks:</p>



<p>While the OP does qualify for NHRP, it’s possible that there are other outside or institutional scholarships for Hispanic students which require candidates to be more than 1/2 Hispanic to qualify.</p>