<p>My weighted GPA is 2.705, and 2.505 unweighted. However, this is a huge growth from my freshman year, during which I had an overall GPA of 0.857. Starting the summer between freshman year and sophomore year, I got a part-time job, took summer classes to catch up, and I haven't failed a class since. I've worked about 20 hours a week since the end of freshman year. I've been in cross-country since sophomore year, and I did one year of track and a swimming program this past summer. I also attended a leadership camp this past summer. I have never been in any clubs or on a debate team or anything, and while I regret my lack of involvement tremendously I have hope that my part-time job and my GPA improvement will have some say in what sort of college I can get into. So basically, in my essays I plan to stress that growth and improvement factor. I also plan to apply for as much financial aid as I can.</p>
<p>I've already applied to my state flagship school, but my question is: What are my chances at the University of Oregon? UCLA? East coast schools? (I know that I'm dreaming pretty big given my GPA and my financial background, but my philosophy is to aim high.) Do I have a chance?</p>
<p>Here's everything:</p>
<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Intended major: I'm really interested in art and design but I also have been tossing around the idea of (photo)journalism.
School type: Grade A public school
State: New Mexico</p>
<p>Unweighted: 2.505 (rank 188 out of 270)
Weighted: 2.705 (rank 170 out of 270)</p>
<p>Gr. 09 (GPA 0.857)
Summer School I (GPA 1.241)
Gr. 10 (GPA 2.253)
Summer School II (GPA 2.303)
Gr. 11 (GPA 2.705)</p>
- English 11: 4
- APUSH: 3</p>
<p>ACT: 29
- English: 29
- Math: 25
- Reading: 31
- Science: 31
- Combined Reading/Writing: 27
- Writing: 8</p>
<p>SAT: (I'm taking it in November)</p>
<p>Senior Year Course Load</p>
<p>Photography III (A first six weeks)
AP Calculus AB (B first six weeks)
AP Government (A first six weeks)
AP Economics (next semester)
AP English 12 (A first six weeks)
Forensics (B first six weeks)</p>
<p>Cross-country (sophomore year - senior year)
Track (sophomore year)</p>
<p>Summer Activities</p>
<p>Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp (summer between junior and senior year)
Club swimming (summer between junior and senior year)</p>
<p>Work Experience</p>
<p>Part-time job at local chain restaurant, 20 hours a week (since end of freshman year)</p>
<p>Photography has been featured in two metro youth art exhibits (selective, junior year)</p>