Do I stand a chance?

<p>Hello, I'm a sophomore. I'm strong in academics but my extracurriculars are lacking... Let's say I take 15 AP's and get mostly A's in them. I'm also in Calc BC this year and will be taking multivariable next year. I'm not worried about my SAT score either; I'm shooting for 2400, of course, but I'll probably get around 2300 or so (I'm taking it only next year (junior year) and am not planning to retake it). Also, my volunteer hours are pretty good- will probably have around 300 by senior year.
What I'm worried about are my extracurricular activities. I have potential, but I also tend to quit things. I used to play volleyball but I quit now because of back issues. I'm in Key Club and am on the club board, but that's pretty much all. I could join track (I spent all of last year independently training for track, and then was too scared to join track) or badminton (which I'm pretty good at) but honestly I don't know if I could manage that with all my AP classes and volunteer work, both for Key Club and outside of Key Club. I'm considering joining some other club like the debate team (or speech, I guess) or Model UN (gosh, I'm scared), but chances are I'll chicken out. Also I'm in chess club (I truly love chess) but I don't think that really counts for anything.
I'm a talented writer and artist (3 yrs, private classes), so maybe I could enter in some competitions? I love to write and to draw, but time may be an issue.
So what are my chances? Do you think I'd make it into UC Davis, maybe UCSD? And what about UCLA? Also, what do you suggest I do? I know the right thing is to join a sport or something, but honestly I have so much to do already.
Nothing rude please; I'm new to College Confidential. Also, I am fully aware that I sound like all I care about is college, and while that pretty much is true, I don't really want to be reminded of my shallowness.
Thank you so much; I've really been stressing out for the past month or so.</p>

<p>Well, the first thing you need to do is budget your time. It sounds like you are overwhelmed with just your studies so I wouldn’t push the activities if you know you don’t have time for them. You need to know, however, that others in your situation, do participate in multiple activities to try to present as a well-rounded individual. No one knows if that works, but competition will be really hard.</p>

<p>Thank you! I’m not really overwhelmed by my studies, just really worried about… pretty much everything. Also time is really only an issue because my mom won’t let me stay up past ten.</p>

<p>Sophomore year isn’t the time to be worrying excessively about getting into college. Get good grades, do your volunteer work, get a job, join some clubs; most importantly, though, find something you’re passionate about. It doesn’t matter if you are a National Merit Commended Student or President of the Key Club. What makes you competitive is a stand-out application and a strong personal character and drive. Don’t let people fool you into thinking that you need to pull your hair out now.</p>

<p>Alright, thank you both so much. I’ve decided to do what I’m passionate about, as you said, and will stress out less. Thanks again! </p>