What are my chances?

<p>Hello, I'm sure many of you see plenty of these everyday, but hey, a question is a question all the same.</p>

<p>Here's a bit of background:
I just started my senior year in high school so most of these statistics are from junior year and prior, keep in mind that I'm now enrolled in 6 AP classes and will have an estimated GPA of 5.0 for my Senior year (weighted of course). Additionally, my high school is one of the top rated high schools in my state. And lastly, I'm looking into a political science major. Also, I'm white.</p>

Academic GPA (unweighted): 4.0
Academic GPA (weighted): 4.5
Enrolled in Honors or AP classes: yes (straight A's)
In the top 10% of my class. (13 of 733)
SAT: 2050 (will be taking again in November for sure)
-Math: 670
-CR: 690
-Writing: 690
-Chemistry: 760
-US History: 750
(also taking Math level 2 and lit. in October)
No ACT yet (taking in October)</p>

<p>AP Scores:
-World History: 3
-Chemistry: 3
-US History: 5
-English Lang.: 5</p>

Played on the JV water polo team for 2 years (captain for my second year)
Vice President of my high school's NHS.
Founder and President of the school's Skiing and Snowboarding Club.
Founder and Head of the school's academic boosters organization (an organization which focuses on raising money for my school in a failing economy).
Competing member of my school's academic decathlon team as well as the FBLA competition team (Second place in parliamentary procedures at section, not impressive, but relevant).
I won't bother to list the clubs I'm a member of, either than competition teams, I don't think that colleges care.
Outside of school, I'm a volunteer for RFB&D, or reading for the blind and dyslexic, which records text books for, well, the blind and dyslexic.</p>

<p>Lastly, my major passion and hobby is hiking, and over the course of my 4 high school years I've done a majority of the famous American hikes (I.E. Mount Whitney, Half Dome, Grand Canyon, working on McKinley)</p>

<p>Very impressive. Chances? Yes.</p>

<p>Hardly impressive. Chances? No.</p>

<p>Good chance. Though your extracurriculars are a little bit on the generic/“meh” side. (But I really don’t think they’re that important.) If you really wanna seal the deal, raise your SAT (I think yours is in the average range… I’m not sure) and write a kickass essay. </p>

<p>If you’re out of state, you’re in luck for this year since UCLA plans on accepting more OOS students (correct me if I am wrong.) But I would mention, the UCs do have higher standards for OOS applicants than Californians.</p>

<p>What I’d really like to know is if your unweighted GPA is a 4.0, how the heck does someone rank higher than you? </p>

<p>PS: Don’t get cocky and succumb to senioritis. Seriously!!</p>

<p>impressive? not really.</p>

<p>but you’ll probably get in.</p>

<p>write a good essay and you’re in.</p>



<p>Well apparently he hasn’t been taking enough weighted classes. Not that UC’s will see your ranking anyway</p>

<p>^ correct, due to class sizes i was unable to take an honors math class freshman and sophomore year, really that’s been holding me back, but I’ve been trying to make the most of it :/</p>

<p>Dont worry bout it champ.
Im OOS and got in with being like 150 out of 450 at my school ranking. Then again im a huge slacker, but i did killer on any AP’s and the SAT. My essay probably i what got me in, cause i wrote a killer essay about people just “wanting to be doctors”. Go ahead and steal my essay if your stuck, basically with your stats you should be like 85% right now. Thats a totally arbitrary number though, but good luck</p>

<p>These are basically my stats (I’m OOS), except my SAT was 2260 and I got three 5’s (calc ab, eng lang, chem) and one 4 (spanish). I think my rank was like 9/786 w/ a GPA of 3.92 uw, 4.49 weighted. I got into 2/3 UC’s I applied to (UCLA and UCSD, not berkeley).</p>

<p>Once again I’m oos, same boat as you. I don’t remember writing an essay honestly…and they didn’t ask for any rec letters. You have a better chance than I did imo. You’ll be fine.</p>

<p>you’ll get in, even if you don’t take the SAT over again. FYI, cs, ee, and business are the hardest majors to get into, but I still strongly believe you can get in.</p>

<p>Apply as a different major and switch when you get there :P</p>

<p>might as well just apply for cs and ee, switching into engineering school will be the same thing since they check your highschool grades to see if you qualify… as for biz econ i don’t think you apply until 3rd year anyway…</p>

<p>Just write a good essay and your in.
If you havent already started writing it, get writing.
Ask peers to edit and teachers too.</p>

<p>I’d say BioE has a good shot at being tougher than the CS/EE programs to get into. Smaller class size and from the looks of the people I’ve been around, best of the best. </p>

<p>But then again… maybe I’m biased :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I think you should go for water polo again your senior year. It will add to your extracurriculars… and I am a little biased, haha. 2 years of a jr varsity sport is nothing compared to what I’ve seen around here. That reading for the blind and dyslexic program sounds pretty cool though. If you’re actually volunteering for reasons other than adding to your college application, thank you.</p>

<p>^Not an option unfortunately, as much as I would like to play again on varsity, I don’t have the time :confused: and the reading program is really amazing, defiantly something i don’t do just for college apps. Its like i get to be a radio DJ with a purpose :P. Anyway, keep up the replies, anything either than SAT scores that you think I can benefit from?</p>

<p>Sorry to annoy, but bump.</p>

<p>Are you in state or out of state?</p>

<p>This hiking thing sounds really interesting actually. Maybe talk more about that in your app.</p>