Do I take another TOEFL even as a Transfer?

<p>Hi everyone!
This website is great!I just wish I had known all of this before I applied! Well, I am an international Student already in the USA. But I am thinking of transfering for my sophomore year to another school that could offer a better scholarship. </p>

<p>I know transfer students don't need new SAT scores. But my score for my first year were pretty low, about 1650. and that couldn't possibly get me into Middlebury or UsoCal, could it?</p>

<p>So... What should I do? Every tip is welcome! Thanks!</p>

<p>sambolera… your SAT score is way to low to get into a college like middlebury… if you really want a shot at those colleges you need to give your SATs again and work harder</p>

<p>the person is a transfer student! to sambolera, i suggest posting this in the transfer students forum. they probably have better advice to offer you.</p>

<p>your issue is just about whether retaking, and improving SAT will improve transfer chances. your international status doesn’t affect the answer.</p>

<p>Thanks for ur help!</p>

<p>How’s your high school curriculum and GPA? Are they up to Middlebury or USC standards? If so, you SAT is not important so long as you maintain a high college GPA. SAT is only a predictor for college readiness and if you are scoring straight A’s in college, you are obviously ready.</p>

<p>Well, I wasn’t that concentrated in High School, got a 2.5 GPA and no EC’s. But I’m catching up now, got a first semester college GPA of 3.8 and I’m doing a couple of EC’s as well. Maybe if I get more than 30 credit hours (which I am abt to do by the end of the Spring semester), they won’t be asking for my HS trancsript…Right?</p>

<p>Most schools will ask for your HS transcript and SAT. If you transfer after one year, your HS records and SAT scores will be considered.</p>

<p>May be you should do some homework first and browse through the transfer requirements of some of your target schools.</p>