Do my specific accoutrements help give me a place in the UC system?

I am a high school junior, and I am applying to UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UCLA, and UC Santa Barbara. While I am applying to plethora of state schools, a UC is my greatest preference.

However, I am aware that each school I am applying to is selective to some degree or another, and my grades and test scores are a large concern of mine. However, I have a pretty impressive repertoire of extracurricular activities and hobbies, as well as a decent amount of awards and accolades.

In a rather boastful fashion, I am now going to list multiple factors that I will for sure mention in my college application. Based on your knowledge of what each of my colleges of choice accept and reject, do I qualify for the UC system?

Without further ado, here is this parade of pretentiousness:
3.8-3.9 average
1200 on new SAT (will be retaking)
Record of AP and honors courses
French Honors Society
Speech and Debate (some awards in this category)
Journalism (awards)
10-year background in theatre
Writing-based blog that I upload frequently, since mid-2015
4 novels written in lifetime (finishing fourth; hope to publish it)
4-year-long community service job at my synagogue
Potentially high AP scores (4/5 on Lang and APUSH)
Community college courses
Maybe an internship
Upward trend in grades (hopefully)
Sophisticated writing tactics I can apply to my personal statements
2-year-long commitment to thespian club
Potential leadership position on speech and debate

While some of these are to be decided, I feel that although my grades are nothing extraordinary, will my other commitments, skills and endeavors suffice?

Is you 3.8 or 3.9 GPA unweighted or UC weighted or something else?

It would be UC weighted

Are you out of state? And are you taking a prep course before retaking the SAT?

No, and yes.

Intended major?
Although UC’s are very GPA focused, your EC’s can make you stand out from the rest of the qualified applicants, but GPA and test scores are still #1 and essays are given more weight over EC’s.

UCSB states that for their application review: 50% for academics (GPA/Test scores/HS course rigor) 50% EC’s and essays, so they could help your chances.

UCLA can also be slightly more holisitic beyond stats, but your UC GPA is below average for all but 3 of the 9 UC campuses. Intended major will also determine how competitive you are for each campus.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Apply widely to the UC’s and make sure you have 1-2 safety schools on your list.

…and consider toning down the grandiosity in word choices. It doesn’t reflect well IMHO. Don’t fear authenticity. It will help you in school and in life. Good luck!

I plan on majoring in Communications and double majoring in creative writing (the latter is only applicable to UCR, which I have now realized is my top choice)

Gah that’s a habit that I’ve been meaning to kick. I do have a grasp on balancing being articulate and speaking like a normal person (one of the many benefits of blogging) which will hopefully prevail in my essays.

This was beyond helpful. Thank you so much!