The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Please keep all “chance me” posts to this thread to help our site save on clutter.</p>


<p>GPA - Weighted: 3.96 <-- UC GPA</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 720
SAT I Critical Reading: 600
SAT I Writing: 720</p>

<p>Total: 2040</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 800
SAT II Chemistry: 740</p>

<p>AP Statistics- 4
AP U.S. History- 3</p>

<p>12 grade Courses
AP Government
AP Macro/Micro Economics
AP Spanish 4
English 12CP
Physics Honors
Teacher's Aide

President of Asian Club- 2 years
4 years junior varsity badminton
4 years key club with 150 hours of community service
1 year of Leo's Club
3 Years of Make A Wish Club
4 Years CSF
2 Years NHS</p>

<p>Berkeley-Chemical Engineering
Davis-Biomedical Engr
Irvine-Biomedical Engr: Premed
Los Angeles -Chemical Engineering
Merced -Bioengineering
Riverside-Computer Engineering
San Diego-Pharmacological Chemistry
Santa Barbara-Electrical Engineering
Santa Cruz -Computer Engineering</p>

<p>Berkeley-Chemical Engineering - reach
Davis-Biomedical Engr - match
Irvine-Biomedical Engr: Premed - match
Los Angeles -Chemical Engineering - reach
Merced -Bioengineering -safety
Riverside-Computer Engineering - safety
San Diego-Pharmacological Chemistry - not sure - I'd say reach, but I'm guessing.
Santa Barbara-Electrical Engineering - match
Santa Cruz -Computer Engineering - safety</p>

White male, not very competitive public school in IL</p>

<p>Hardest schedule possible
UC GPA: 3.75
Rank: 27/330ish
ACT Composite: 32</p>

<p>National Merit Commended.</p>

<p>Potential Major: Linguistics </p>

CS Explorers post 4 years, president.
Marching Band/Jazz Band/Wind Ensemble 4 years, principle chair/section leader.
3 years German Club, Secretary.
4 years academic team.
Lead Group Member for a local fine arts festival I helped get off the ground.</p>

<p>What are my chances for the UCs? I know I'm right out at Berkeley and LA, but what about Irvine/Santa Cruz/San Diego/Davis?</p>


<p>UCLA/UCB: Slight reach</p>


<p>UCLA/UCB: Reach
UCSD: Slight reach
UCSC: Safe match/safety</p>

<p>I already posted the same information in the UC Irvine section,as well as general chance thread, as I want to get into UCI the most But, I'm still interested in the other UC's. My intended major is Psychology, and probably Criminology if I get into UC Irvine because it's the only UC with it. I might consider Art History/ Art Appreciation as my major too, or a minor. Or psychology as my minor and Art History as my major, but I'm leaning towards psychology. I already know UCLA , UCSD. and Cal (UCB) are high, high, HIGH reaches, so I won't even mention them.</p>

<p>Here's the information for the generic student who's stressing over college.
UC GPA : 3.42</p>

<p>SAT's :
SAT Reasoning Test: 2020 ( 720 CR, 610 Math, 690 Writing (8 on essay))
SAT II's : Physics (710), U.S. (640), SAT literature (650)</p>

<p>Scores for the stupid ACT aren't out, but i predict to be at LEAST 30, at most around 33-34. </p>

<p>AP: AP U.S. History (4), AP Art History (3)</p>

<p>Rank : 139/728 (the top 25% is very competitive, but still no excuse for my poor ranking :/)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular: 4 year member of Speech and Debate ( 8th place in Novice Champs policy debate, some semifinals, etc.)
4 Year member of National Forensics League (yes it's the NFL, but it's the Speech & Debate league). I've helped judge a lot of events for my coach or at other schools as needed, and a strong relationship with the team which is ranked in the top 100 teams <3.)</p>

<p>3 Year member of Tennis (2 year J.V.[Sophomore to Junior Years], 1 year Varsity [Senior Year])</p>

<p>2 Years Frame by Frame member (kind of a founder)
It's a graphic animation club (flash, photoshop, etc.), which died out at the end of my Junior year for whatever reasons.</p>

<p>I've taken the hardest classes that I could...</p>

<p>Senior Class Program
1) AP Economics (macro and micro)
2) AP Psychology
3) AP Physics B
4) AP World Literature
5) Japanese 5/6
6) Foods 1/2
7) Speech and Debate 3-8</p>

<p>I predict a 3.8 - 4.0 GPA this semester, considering my grades are solid as of now.</p>

<p>I signed up and was accepted into AP Calculus AB, but the stupid school could not hire enough teachers and put me into Foods as the "replacement". In order to clear this up, I hope to comment on this altercation within the comments section in the UC application.</p>

<p>What are my chances at:</p>

<p>All the UC's, despite my knowledge for the top tiered UC's. </p>

<p>Can anyone suggest backup schools? I can only think of:</p>

<p>Cal State Long Beach
Cal Polytechnic Pomona
UC Merced (heard there was a strong Psychology department?)</p>

<p>Well, if anymore questions be needed, please post here. I'll post up a list of all my grades A.S.A.P.</p>

<p>Oh, some background information.</p>

<p>I'm an Asian/Chinese that comes from a low-income family, in which my dad is the only one that works (works at a fast food place). My mom cannot work not because she's lazy, but because she is physically weak. She's battled cancer once before, and currently is tackling cancer once again. My highest priority is to stay close to home, even if I do get accepted to a college thats prestigious but far away. It all depends on my mother's situation along with my families financial status. This isn't meant to be a sob story; just hoping for some advice.</p>

<p>I already wrote a kickA$$ essay, which needs just a little fine tuning. My teacher says that I shouldn't change a thing for the middle bodied paragraphs, but my intro is weak along with some grammatical errors; they can easily be fixed.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone (again) that takes the time to just read this. A chance post would be most appreciated!</p>

<p>Top Tier UCs: Reach
Mid Tier UCs: High Match/Match (compelling essay, high SATs, might be able to compensate for your low GPA)
Low Tier: Match/Safety
The other schools you listed from the CSUs are fine.</p>

Asian male from northern california(came to US when soph)
medium sized public schools(2000)
school's academic level=ok(not too good or not too bad)
major:chemistry(alternative major=international studies)
for berkeley i applied as international something major..</p>



<p>Extra Curricular Activities
Marching Band(10,11,12)-12hours a week for 17weeks(Section Leader during senior year)
Concert Band(10,11,12)-5hours a week for 15weeks.(First Chair during junior and senior years)
Track and Field(11,12)-10hours a week for 15weeks.
Mathletes(11,12)-4hours a week for 24weeks.
Soccer(10)-10hours a week for 15weeks.
Foreign Exchange Student with ISE(10).</p>

<p>Community Services(ive realized that i did more than i thought)
Yes Project(11,12)-4hours a week for 20weeks.-80
Tutoring one student for Algebra2 before school everyday during my junior
year.(3~5hours a week for 20 weeks)-80
Helping the Science Fair at a local elementary school during my sophomore year.(4hours a week for 4 weeks)-16</p>

<p>Summer Activity
Trillium Exchange Student in Canada</p>

<p>essay should be fairy good...</p>

<p>im just hoping to get into ucsd...i know i have almost no chance at b and</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Location: California
School Type: Medium-sized Public (1400 students), Very uncompetitve
Income: $80,000/year
I'm a first-generation college student
I've taken the hardest class schedule at school, all honors/APs.</p>

<p>Prospective Schools/Majors
UC Berkeley: Cognitive Science
UC San Diego: Cognitive Science / Psychology
UC Irvine: Psychology / Undeclared Social Science
UC Davis: Psychology / Neurobio, Physio, & Behav</p>

Un-weighted: 3.9
Weighted: 4.4
UC GPA: 4.15
Rank: Top 3% (10 out of 353) (ELC)</p>

33 composite (35 E/34 M/30 R/33 S)
10 on writing score</p>

<p>SAT II:
750: Math 2C
710: Biology</p>

9 AP planned
-Biology (4)
-Statistics (5)
-Calculus BC (5)
-Chemistry (5)
-English Language (3)
-US History (4)
-English Composition
-Spanish Language AP</p>

<p>Community College Courses
-Finite Mathematics (A)
-Sociology 101 (A)
-Psychology 101 (A)
-Art 101 (A)
-Cultural Anthropology (A)
-Ethnic Studies
-Calculus 101C</p>

Basketball - all four years, varsity center 2 years
Math and Science Bowl/Academic League - 3 years, on starting team
World Affair Challenge - 2 yrs, our team won last year
Tutoring - 50+ hours nonprofit
LEO Club - 250+ hours nonprofit
CSF - Life member and President</p>

<p>sasaa - I'd say you're a match for UCB/UCLA, and and a safety everywhere else.</p>

UCSD-Low Reach
Your SAT is dragging you down, but everything else is OK. Depending on the curve that's set this year, and how many points you can score on an unofficial point total of the UCSD points system, you can still realistically expect to get in, although I think you can still sign up for the last ACT if need be...</p>

UCB/UCLA/UCSD: Match/Safety
Family circumstances, and high test scores/GPA all work in your favor. It's reasonable to look into the chance of getting a Regents to at least one of the schools you're looking at, although I wouldn't be so sure just how much API factors into a decision (probably not too much)</p>

<p>do you guys know how much emphasis ucsd put on essays??</p>

<p>thanks for an opinion..</p>

<p>In state</p>

<p>3.21 Uc GPA</p>

<p>Sat's: 1740

<p>760-Math iic

<p>H Chem
AP Physics B-3
AP Calc AB-5</p>

<p>At community college:
Calc 2-Concurrent
Calc 3-Planned
English 101-planned
Psych 101-planned
Psych 102(cognitive)-planned</p>

<p>Took CAD drafting in ROP program
Got a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Achievement
Played Bass in a band for 1 1/2 yrs
Ride motocross for all for years of high school
Kept a steady job at Six Flags Magic Mountain for over a year now
Participated in tons of hours at our local church</p>

UCSC: Electrical Engineering; 3/2 program(anyone no how compeitive it is to get in it)
UCSB: Electrical Engineering
UCM: Bioengineering</p>

<p>UCSD's emphasis on essays is probably going to be less than Berkeley and LA, since I think all they do is go over them to see if they can add points to your total, meaning that you should strive to get your point across, not to make it persuasive. </p>

<p>Dlnitsud: UCSC-Match
UCSB-Slight Reach/Reach

<p>so..would you say i have 50/50 chance at ucsd??</p>

<p>It's impossible to say an exact percentage. However, you are clearly a match.</p>

<p>Out Of State :( </p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.00
(Clear upward trend in grades; UC's forgiveness of freshman year grades is one of the main reasons I'm applying).</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 710
SAT I Critical Reading: 700
SAT I Writing: 720
(All 1 sitting)</p>

<p>Total: 2130</p>

<p>Taking SAT II's (Math II, Physics, and Literature) Dec. 1st</p>

<p>AP U.S. History- 3</p>

<p>12 grade Courses
AP Government
AP Physics
AP English
Japanese II

1 month in Japan as an Exchange Student
2 Years NHS
2 Years as Cashier at Grocery Store
1 Year as House Management staff at a local theatre
Summer Job at a Snack bar
President of Graphic Novel Club, 12th grade
2 Years of Literary Magazine club (member, submitter)</p>

<p>Berkeley: Physics
Davis: Biomedical Engineering
LA: Biomedical Engineering
Irvine: Physics
San Diego: Not Sure
Santa Barbara: Not Sure</p>

<p>My uncle also went to Berkeley, but I'm not sure if that's significant.</p>


<p>Word of advice: Don't apply to LA as BioMed if you can help it. Transfer in later if you still find the major palatable (I sure didn't after finding out what a degree in it would be like). It's also ridiculously impacted.</p>

<p>Berkeley: Reach
UCLA: Reach
UCSD: Low Reach
UCD: Match
UCSB/Irvine: Match/Safe Match</p>

<p>CA student
1st generation college student
10th grade:
Eng II H B B-
Span I B+ B+
Geom I H B C
Bio B B
Wd Hist H A+ B
GPA 3.83 3.5 </p>

GPA 3.67 3.50</p>

<p>SAT I


<p>Elected Treasurer of Interact Club 11th grade
Elected Treasurer of Best Buddies Int 11th 12th grades
Active Member of the Christ in Action Club</p>

<p>Over 600 hours of community service at a convalescent hospital
200 hours of community service at a foster care agency</p>

<p>Low income family</p>

<p>My Chances for attending a UC
I want to major in public health or a biological science</p>

<p>wf909, list your 12th grade courses too. It helps your chancing :)</p>