Do non-academic classes matter?

I am wondering that if colleges consider grades that students get in their non-academic subjects, such as Phys Ed or Choir.
I understand that both academic and non-academic classes are equally important, but I just want to know if getting a grade like "c" would hurt the acceptance chance.</p>


<p>A lot of colleges look only at Core GPA (Math, English, Sci, SocStudies, and sometimes Foreign Lang), however, they should look more at Cumulative in my opinion, since my school has many career preparation classes, 2 of which I am taking.</p>

<p>does that mean colleges recalculate GPA?</p>

<p>do colleges recalculate GPA?..</p>

<p>Most do…</p>

<p>I think academic classes are much more important to them, but it looks kind of bad if you got a C in an “easy” class like P.E. or Choir. It really depends on where you’re applying.</p>

<p>Aite. Thanks for the replies.
Since I am definetely getting a B or lower in my PE class, I am gonna have to find out if my school puts only academic class grades on the transcript (not the report card).</p>

<p>It matters some what. They start to question your character. They start to think maybe the applicant didn’t take the class serially, maybe the applicant is a class clown etc. </p>

<p>These are not good thoughts to put in the admissions department’s heads.</p>