Do not know what to do!

<p>Alright, I have gotten accepted to two colleges. These colleges are Kutztown University of Pa and East Stroudsburg University of Pa. I haven't reserved any spots for any of the colleges because I don't know where I want to go yet but I have to send in my $200 check to save my spot by May 1st.</p>

<p>Now before I go on, I got accepted into these colleges with very lackluster and pathetic grades. I've gotten a total of 3 D's and multiple C's. Though with all these terrible grades, I still have any 84.67 average out of 100 for my total gpa due to getting 100 in band every year. So, both these state schools accepted me with very bad scores. I believe the only reason I got accepted was I got a 1500 on my SAT and the average SAT score for like both the schools is like a 1400.</p>

<p>Now that I'm a senior, I have changed and grew a lot. I have gotten better grades. These are my grades so far....
100 Band
97 Jazz Band
95 CP English
95 Government
82 Statistics( I actually did well in math my senior year)
96 Meteorology</p>

<p>Now, here is the kicker....</p>

<p>I have to take my final for one of my quarter classes, sociology. This class I need to graduate to give me enough SS credits. I have a 63.56 currently and you need a 65 to pass. The reason my grade is so low is I cheated on a test and she gave me a zero for one of her tests. Luckily, this is between me and my teacher so it wont be on my transcript.. I have learned my lesson, and I realize cheating is terrible and consequences must happen. Anyways, if I don't get a C on this Final I wont pass the class. Even if I get a 100 on the final( which is really unlikely though I have been studying) my highest grade can be like a 70 in the class which is so terrible! If I fail, I would have to drop band and take the class again.</p>

<p>Now here is the real question. Would I get rescinded from the college of my choosing if they see I failed this class? Remember, I've done terrible my first 3 years in highschool. My senior year I have gotten all A's and one B and this soon to be D+ most likely.</p>

<p>Now even if I pass, should I drop band and retake the class because I know I can get an A. I was just being stupid for cheating! Or should I keep band, and keep my high A GPA for my senior year.</p>

<p>Like I said my senior year I have really improved since the colleges have accepted me besides this one soon to be D+ or F. Do you think they would care since all my other senior grades are really good? I have never seen anyone actually get rescinded from a college but I heard it's possible. I'm just so nervous I dont know what to do!</p>

<p>It says that I need to "have high academic standards for my senior year" to keep my spot! I never had high academics until this year so I think I'm fine! Should I be worried?????</p>

<p>Have you asked your guidance counselor about this? They will know if either of these universities ever rescind admissions.</p>

<p>You dodged a bullet with the cheating. </p>

<p>The obvious question is how much of your other grades are as a result of cheating and not getting caught. You don’t have to answer; it wouldn’t change what I believe anyway. I’m not saying that to be mean, I’m just saying that integrity is something people assume that you have and that you can only lose it, you can’t get it back. </p>

<p>So you have to worry about passing the class, but you also have to worry about not getting caught cheating again, and about being able to handle college without cheating. These are all things that should concern you now. </p>

<p>I recommend studying hard and working on living your life with integrity whether you pass or fail. It will serve you well in the long run, though it may not seem so. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>