Do people accuse you of bragging?



<p>This guy. lol</p>

<p>Well when you word things like that ^^^ it seems like you are kind of pompous and big headed. Braggarts aren’t fun to be around. </p>

<p>Telling people who asked for your grades you grades isn’t bragging, unless you’re like “Yeah I got an A in that class, no bigs it was soooooo easy, you’d have to be a total moron not to get an A”.</p>

<p>Its just annoying when I get a bad grade once in a while. When I fail (under 80 lol) a quiz I usually laugh it off and learn what I missed for the test. But when everyone find out I fail they always brag about it in my face. Sometimes people even brag when they finish classwork assignments before I do. </p>

<p>From now on I only share grades in my AP classes. We’re all pretty smart, so we all get a chance to “brag” about our scores throughout the year</p>

<p>No. I don’t tell people my grades, and people don’t ask. They’re not a big deal in my school.</p>

<p>Yeah. All of my former friends now tell everyone that I brag endlessly about my grades when, in fact, I’m actually quite reserved about them. If someone asks me what I got, I’m not going to lie. And is it my fault if I’m disappointed with a 90 if it’s simply not up to my standards? It’s my business, not theirs. :P</p>