I am in my first semester at community college and am planning to transfer to the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley. There is an 89 credit limit when transferring. I have to take a couple of math classes and a chemistry class as prerequisites to get me up to speed in order to take my transferrable classes such as calculus. I added up all the classes I would need to take plus these prerequisites and it comes out to over 89. It is impossible to take all the classes required for admission plus my math and chemistry prerequisites. Do prerequisites such as trigonometry not count towards this limit? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If all of your credit is lower division non-UC credit (including all community college course work), then it is capped at 70 semester units (105 quarter units) for the purpose of determining credit limits for transferring and credit given when you enter a UC as a transfer student. However, all courses taken will count for subject credit against specific course requirements, regardless of how many units over 70 you have.