<p>I was accepted ED to engineering and am currently in the process of applying to engineering-specific scholarships. </p>
<p>I was wondering-- if I were to receive a scholarship and decide eventually to change my major to something in CAS, would that scholarship transfer? Or would I stop receiving the merit aid?</p>
<p>I cannot find anywhere on the WUSTL site that spells this out, but I seem to recall when looking a few years ago that if you receive a scholarship targeted towards a specific major and you drop that major, the scholarship can be revoked. It is probably part of the conditions of the donor that the student be in that major, maintain a certain GPA, etc. Most donors that give millions of dollars have fairly specific stipulations unless they give to the general fund, and scholarship funding is often quite specific. But you would have to ask WUSTL to be 100% sure.</p>
<p>At least between 2008-2012 I am 99% sure that they DO in fact transfer.
I know several people who transferred out of engineering but got to keep their engineering scholarship.</p>
<p>I’ve also heard this said by both adreps and the people who actually read the engineering scholarship apps.</p>
<p>I think we need another person to chime in since fallenchemist and I are on completely opposite sides of the fence
…but yeah, check with wustl to be sure.</p>
<p>edit: It should be noted that I’m specifically talking about the engineering school ones. These are not major specific. I haven’t a clue how artsci functions, but theirs are tied to majors (ie Compton is physics-related).</p>
<p>You are probably more informed about this Johnson. I was trying to look it up, and when I couldn’t find anything I reached back for something I read maybe 5 years ago. So I think your experience is more current and likely more extensive, since you actually have seen people retain their scholarships. Of course it might depend on the specific scholarship as well.</p>
<p>As we both agree, the surest way to know, in lieu of finding specific info on the web site, is to just call WUSTL and ask. Or maybe even better for the OP to wait and see if they get the scholarship, because if not then the point is moot, at least for them. If they do get it, I am sure the terms are spelled out upon notification.</p>