Do they update AIS on Wednesdays only??

<p>Is it true that A&M only updates the AIS once/week?
I heard they post at the end of the day on Wednesday.
Has anyone received their notice on AIS any other day?
I guess you would have to be a daily checker like me to notice.</p>

<p>Yeah, they update every Wednesday for the most part. I’ve noticed that, so I called them to ask, and they said “We update AIS every Wednesday, USUALLY.”</p>

<p>I called them again about the last days for notifications and they said “April 14th”…oh dear.</p>

<p>They told me mid April as well…but they are trying to make it the end of the March…doubt it.</p>

<p>I wish they had a definite date…this is torture.</p>

<p>My friend’s daughter made it into Gateway, and they received an e-mail last Thursday and also their AIS changed on Thursday as well. So…there is always tomorrow to check for changes.</p>

<p>Thanks! I’m keeping my fingers crosses. I hope your child gets in too (:</p>

<p>I am awaiting notification on my acceptance to Texas A&M but I have heard alot about the “My Records” and “My Finances” tabs showing up on howdy meaning that your accepted. Which those tabs showed up on my howdy sometime last night, but on my AIS I am still on step 3. </p>

<p>Can anyone say if this is true or not and if this has happened to any one about how long did it take after the tabs appeared for it to tell you that you are accepted?</p>

<p>I believe for my son is was just a few days. If it changed on Wednesday by Friday he checked and it said he was accepted.</p>