<p>Do internationals get UChicago T-Shirt or only US Students get?</p>
<p>I would be okay even without a T-shirt if they accept me… :P</p>
<p>An acceptance letter would be more than enough …</p>
<p>^ hahahaha i second that. uchicago is my absolute #1 choice, and I’m not sure how i will be if i don’t get in if they let me in, I’m even willing to do naked phoenixing(kidding. but, no, seriously)</p>
<p>Where are you guys from? Good luck :)</p>
<p>We can see that you are from India. I am your neighbor- Nepal that would be.</p>
<p>Awesome, hope we get in and survive! [■■■■</a> Yeah UChicago!](<a href=“■■■■ Yeah UChicago!”>■■■■ Yeah UChicago!)</p>
<p>I think last year they sent out scarfs</p>
<p>Sent out scarves this year, too!</p>
<p>I’m from Tunisia !!</p>