Do UC's look focus a lot on SAT?

I have over a 4.0 GPA and have great essays/ extracurriculars but my SAT is average (1280). I’m also a first generation Hispanic female trying to major in criminology/criminal justice. My dream school is UC Irvine but I’m scared it won’t be enough. I applied to UCSD and UC Santa Cruz as well. What are your thoughts? Thank You in advance!

Hard to know without your actual UCGPA but, I think UCSD is a reach and USCS is a coin toss.

I understand all the CSUs have extended their ap window, you may want to apply to SDSU and CSULB while you can… just sayin…

Good luck

For all the UC’s, UC GPA, test scores, HS course rigor and personal insight essays are Very Important in their Freshman admission evaluation. That said, the UC’s tend to be more GPA focused vs. test focused but if there is a huge discrepancy between GPA and test scores, it could impact your chances.

I agree with @NCalRent that based on your GPA and test scores, that UCSC is a Match to High Match, UCI a High Match while UCSD will probably be a tough admit.

Your overall application will be taken into consideration and many times GPA/Test scores do not tell the whole story. Just make sure you have several safety schools on your list.

Best of luck.

Thank You!