Do you act/come off as smarter or dumber than you actually are? Do you think people see you as more intelligent, or less, than you know you are?
I think people see me as more intelligent than I am. I consider myself slightly intelligent, like 100% and good grades, etc. but I know there are a lot smarter people in my grade. I’m only in Algebra II as a sophomore because I didn’t skip so being in that easier class, my classmates in that class think I’m smart because I usually get 100%s on Algebra II tests. Therefore, a lot of my classmates consider me smart, but smarter than I really am. There are a lot smarter people, they’re just in higher classes than I am so my classmates don’t have them to compare me to.
@joyce1517 you are probably smarter than you think you are too
Haha thank you I just wish I made better choices before freshman year so I could have advanced in math and science
I think people view me as more intelligent than I am.
I think most people see me as smarter than I am. My school is super small, so I’ve got a reputation.
I think it’s a mixed bag, tbh. The people who don’t really know me assume that I’m intelligent, but the people who are aware of my schedule and grades know that I’m bad at a lot of stuff lol.
I tend to act dumber than I am but people tend to think I’m smarter than I really am.
I feel like the nerds (and I say this in a reverent manner, because holy my school’s nerds are amazing (aka national olympiad finalists/winners/amazing at everything/get 97s in their classes at my super super super competitive school/science bowl/robotics/research) think I’m dumb and my friends think I’m smart?? I don’t think I’m that smart, though, particularly compared to the other people at my school. I’m one of the only people who actually raises their hand in class, though, so… there’s that?
I’ll put it this way: I don’t have a very overreaching reputation, but of the people that know me, the non-nerds hold me in a similar regard as they do the freshman class’s Quizlet goddess, star mathlete/computer scientist/biologist, violin lord, and Forensics and debate queen. The nerds either don’t really care much, see me as the person who goes to meetings but isn’t quite smart enough to make the team, or laugh at me for procrastinating all the time.
This summer, I’m doing a crazy amount of hardcore studying, and I hope to join the ranks of the supernerds and compete in a bunch of academic competitions and gain a nerd reputation that extends past my sister and that one kid in my Geimetry class.
People think I’m a D/C student
But you’re going to Stanford what
@awesomepolyglot yup but I guess I’m not a typical stanford kid
I act really dumb, but people in my advanced classes somehow think I’m smart, and people in my basic classes think I’m really dumb. My friends are just wondering how I survived infancy tbh.
@LordBendtner I think that’s what makes you the perfect Stanford student.
People who know me well think I’m a lot less intelligent than I am, but I think people in my classes generally think I’m more intelligent, cuz quiet kids are obviously smarter or something I honestly think I come off as dumber, probably because I tend to be more modest (I would rather undervalue myself than overvalue myself so that people don’t think i’m too egotistic or anything). But I’m still pretty dumb in a lot of ways, especially common sense
One time I asked my friend if my underwater disposable camera would work above water
I am in between. People say I’m a genius (coming from students who are MUCH smarter than me), and there are people who think I’m average. I personally don’t care what they think about me, but surely because I take so many AP Classes, they think I’m a genius. However, I don’t get perfect straight-A’s in my AP Classes (but that’s something I obviously don’t spread around my friends)
I don’t know. I think I am considered the smartest out of my friends(since I know most stuff in class, especially math and apush. Also, since I read the news and that I’m very interested in politics, which they think are boring). To outsiders, I’m not sure since I am quiet and don’t really speak in front of others I don’t know, but when I do speak, they say things like, “Your really smart”, lol.
Lol the irony
my classmates see me as a lot more intelligent than I actually am. I am only in geometry as a sophomore, and most of my classmates thought I was in precalculus or AP calculus. that makes me feel both good and bad. I wish I was in precalculus, or even algebra II as a sophomore it makes me really depressed actually, but I’m just going to accept that I’m not very good at math (at least NOT geometry).
I am much smarter than my classmates because I can easily see patterns in literature, history, and science. I notice every detail whereas they only see the big picture. I do think that I’m smart, and I’m also very motivated in class which helps, but I know that I am probably only in the middle percentage. I think I’m actually very average, and not the best academically. in making life decisions, planning things, and life besides academics though, I think I’m a genius but that’s probably just because my boyfriend is academically a genius and socially/life wise a moron, lol.
my boyfriend and friends don’t see me as the genius my classmates do, because they know me and they have roughly the same intelligence as I do. I’m also veryyyyy air headed but no one in school really sees that, only my friends, so that’s why they don’t think I’m extremely smart either.
basically, my classmates see me as intimidating (for no reason whatsoever, in my opinion), and my friends see me as a goofy airhead who is way in over her head in classes.