Do you ever feel like you're an admissions office mistake?

<p>...Like if X College had known who you really were, they wouldn't have accepted you?</p>

<p>Yes and no. Work-ethic wise, I doubt many colleges would approve of my lack of studying. Moral wise, I think I have strong foundation that most of my colleges would approve. And in terms of how likable and affable I am, I bet most of the college admissions officers would think I'm a decent, okay guy.</p>

<p>I think the other way around is more common? I'll bet anything that people feel moreso that if colleges actually knew who they were... They'd get in places?</p>

<p>^Probably depends on which colleges you got into.</p>

<p>I'd agree with Bourne in the case of several of my friends.... really awesome people, who DON'T cheat on homework, and spend time being friendly rather than padding their resumes. </p>

<p>And then the idiot first-generation gets in everywhere because his cockiness comes across as confidence in the interview.</p>

<p>I'd say the people in my AP classes who spend all day texting each other and belittling the teachers are the admissions mistakes.</p>