Do You Hate The People Who.......?

<p>Do You Hate The People Who Brag TO DEATH!!! (About Their Schedule And Grades)
I know this is CC, but seriously this one girl in my Class won't shut up about how many AP's she's signing up for next year (Like 4 or 5 Next Year In 11th Grade) and tells everyone including her teachers just to impress them. She mentions it like once a week. They all say OMFG!!!!! That will be so hard, and others your so SMART!!!! You Will Have No Life in 11th Grade!!! Then today, you hear her telling everyone she's taking Physics Honors Online (Plus a Few Other AP Courses) so she can add AP Physics to one of her 4 or 5 AP Classes next year. I think she announced her Weighted GPA to the Class Hmm 14 times so far this year . During another class I have with her she says She Wants To Be an Engineer, but an Engineer that Helps the Needy People With Food and Resource!!! She Wants To Be An Humanitarian Engineer? Finally, I hear her telling everyone that our last Valedictorian SUCKS (I've heard it like 2 times so far), and how she went to our top State School UF (Hard to Get Into) and talks about when she's Valedictorian she will apply to MIT and the Ivies. Maybe the girl's family can't Afford it. Seriously I don't care about how many AP Classes your taking, and SHUT UP. :p I feel like telling her off I'm taking just as many you next year. These type of people really get to me. :p I keep my stuff to myself in school. The only time I talk about AP is when we are choosing classes just so I can match my schedule with my friend's. SORRY FOR MY RANTING!
Who else has these types of people or are any of you like that?</p>

<p>no, yes, maybe</p>

<p>I know you didnt ask for advice, but I know people like that and the reason they do things like this is because they are compensating for something. They know that everyone says that they hate them behind their back so theyre just doing it for attention</p>

<p>XD No this girl is well liked and popular. She’s actually really good looking too. It’s just surprising how she asks for attention.</p>

<p>I have a girl like that in my class. No one likes her, when teacher writes her rec. for college it will be bad in most areas (she “brags” about being smart but she is just annoying" even if academically OK the things like “Respect Accorded with peers” will be low etc. </p>

<p>Even if the girl in question is smart no MIT/IVY is going to want a brat. My parents went to Ivies and they told me:
-Usually very smart but ALWAYS nice
-Exception: Net worth > A lot </p>

<p>That’s my 2 cents. Don’t get bothered ignore her, she just hates that the previous valed. had friends.</p>

<p>Well… It’s funny how she can be popular but I guess it is what it is. I don’t know what to tell you; I am intrinsically motivated usually so I care about the fact that I did the right thing but a lot of people are not depends on your personality.</p>

<p>You know what’s even worse? People who whine about wanting to take more AP courses, even asking others if he or she should self study something. And then when the time comes, they don’t want to work.</p>

<p>I mean, what did you think? That you can ace all of your exams with prior knowledge? Don’t you know that you need to work?</p>

<p>No, I can take it when people brag. I hate it when people try to play it down that they are insanly smart and have good study skills. For example, there’s this kid in my PreCal class. The kids a genius. Whenever we have a quiz he says “I didn’t know we had a quiz today. I didn’t study.”. When we get a test/quiz back “When did we take this quiz? Whenever it was, I didn’t study for it. I got a 43/40.” </p>

<p>Dude. You studied and you knew we had a quiz. </p>

<p>It doesn’t make it any better that he touches himself throughout class.</p>


<p>Ahh the same person I’m talking about is trying to to do a no HW and Classwork Deal with my Teacher in Alg. 2 Honors. (Which will start soon) She thinks she’s a genius, and doesn’t have to do any work for Math. (She thinks she knows it all already, which I’m 100% sure she’s wrong because she still asks questions about certain problems) So her only Grades will be Tests, and she can do nothing while the rest of us work and take notes.</p>

<p>the girl i was talking about is decently popular and decent looking. She stresses about getting into Harvard wen she had two brothers and her dad who went there. Everyone still hates her, but if you were new to my school you would assume she was really popular</p>

<p>Does she know she’s hated?</p>

<p>I hate people who think they are better than everyone else.</p>

<p>I have the utmost respect for modest people. :)</p>