<p>This is a newbie question, but it seems like all grad school applications emphasize previous research/research potential. What if you just want an MS (or M.Eng if available) for career/work purposes, but don't plan on getting a Phd or being really involved in academic research? Is it bad to say in my SOP that I want to get a Master's for better job opportunities? I know schools like Berkeley/Cornell have an M.Eng program for this, but what about other top schools that only offer an MS?</p>
<p>Sometimes the M.S. is equivalent to an M.Eng. if there is no thesis requirement. Just look carefully at the degree requirements to see what kind of degree it really is.</p>
<p>Also take a look at the Professional Science Masters degree option. It is a hybrid of technical coursework at the PhD level and business at the MBA level. Although most programs are currently science, physics, or math based, some talk about expanding to include engineering based programs has taken place. The complete list of PSM programs is at [Science</a> Masters > ScienceMasters Home](<a href=“http://www.sciencemasters.com%5DScience”>http://www.sciencemasters.com) and is searchable by subject.</p>