Do you have to reject the other schools?

<p>i was wondering if you have to reject the other schools’ admissions offers or just accept berkeley’s. anybody know? i already filled out my SIR for cal and noticed there was a i want to reject this offer place. if you dont accept the other schools do they just assume your rejected them?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>How hard is it to go on a website and hit the 'reject' button?</p>

<p>Very hard.</p>

<p>Kinda troublesome when you have to do it to 10 different schools.</p>

<p>Is there a waitlist at USC? Otherwise, I won't bother.</p>

<p>can you just let the deadline just, you know, slide by?</p>

<p>I thought you were supposed to decline their offer through email or letter. or some form of communication</p>

<p>That would be proper.</p>

<p>Out of courtesy, you should let schools know you're declining admissions. Think about how many people were rejected or waitlisted that may be able to attend if the university has a definite number of those admitted not attending. Again, it's just etiquette.</p>

<p>if you decline, then your spot opens up, and the list will go up one, but of course, ou can be lazy and just not do and.</p>

<p>oh yeah nanday0, if you didnt apply to 10 schools, then you wouldnt have to bother with so many school =)</p>

<p>and besides, how long can it possibly take? its not like we're back in the days when a 14k modem was top of the line..........</p>

<p>if it was still 14k modem, probably applications and decisions will still solely be by paper</p>