"Do you intend to be a degree seeking student during your first year"?

<p>My son is filling up the comm apps for Washington U and is asked by this question. what does this mean? Apparently he is, he is applying to the RD for fall of 2010. Are there any students registering in Washington U and not seeking degree? </p>

<p>Do we misunderstand this question?</p>

<p>I think you’ll want to say “yes” on that — there are some students (almost exclusively graduate students, I believe) who take courses just to learn the material, without any intention of getting another (or a first) degree… A senior who has just graduated from WashU, for instance, might be spending the year in St. Louis doing research and might want to take a few extra classes to prepare for grad school later on. </p>

<p>If you’re applying straight out of high school, saying you “do <em>not</em> intend to be a degree seeking student” would probably hurt your chances of admission, as well. (Unlike being a student seeking an “undeclared” degree, which is totally fine)</p>

<p>hope that clears things up a bit :)</p>

<p>^ For example, students who have their bachelors already.</p>

<p>I know several students who finished up their BS only to realize they want to go to med school, and need to take the pre-reqs (bio, physics, etc) for it before they can apply.</p>