<p>I was showing my English teacher my essay, and I somehow mentioned that I'm a very typical Gemini in the essay. It's not a big focus of the essay, but it's just there. Anyways, my teacher finished, and she was like, "what's Gemini?" </p>
<p>Yeah, so then I freaked out. I'm a Chinese, so I don't really know if this constellation thing is common in American culture. Does everyone know what a Gemini is? Is it okay to mention that in my essay?? :(</p>
<p>IMO, everyone knows what a gemini is, but not what it means. Like i know it means you were born in June-ish, but I'm not sure exactly what traits go a long with it. </p>
<p>And if it isn't important to you or your essay, I guess I would recommend taking it out. But, thats just my opinion , I could be totally wrong!</p>
<p>a college admission officer should know what Gemini is..but it's not recommended to use it....not "everyone" "knows" (as in KNOWING it!) what it is!</p>
<p>Everyone knows what a gemini is, but like stefany said, not everyone knows what traits it encompasses. I don't. Hell, I'm a leo and I don't know what those are supposed to be like, either. Plus, I'm sure you're more unique than what can be described by a single astrological symbol.</p>