
<p>Yay! I read the thread "For all you SCEA Leos..." just now: fascinating stuff, isn't it?
BTW, I envy you Leos.
As for me, a Gemini-Taurus borderline, Yahoo says I shouldn't have been too rude on Dec 6.</p>

<p>That was the day I met my interviewer.</p>

<p>*shudders. Anyway, let's all forget about how I called my fifty-year old Wharton graduate consultant by first name
and talk about other superstitions you guys believe in (horoscopes, tarots, etc)
And no offense to devout religious kids out there.</p>

<p>I happen to interpret my dreams (I know, cuc"koo") and for the last few months the dreams have been GRRRRRReat. Last few weeks not so. In fact, devastating. :<</p>

<p>Any more fascinating supersitions? I haven't read all the replies in "Leos/horoscpte" thread, but I'm pretty sure you guys mostly talked about horoscopes.</p>

<p>As a matter of fact, Asian CCers should know how clingy you become to these ridiculous (but fun) superstitions.</p>

<p>Let's "cross our fingers" till Dec 15th!</p>

<p>I knock on wood like crazy… my friend and I ran around knocking on trees a couple nights ago because we needed to negate the pessimism. I get into fights with my mind because I am in constant fear of jinxing (or reverse-jinxing or double-jinxing) myself… lol, I’ve never been this superstitious but the 15th is driving me crazy with apprehension!</p>

<p>I have also stayed up until 11:11 ever since I applied just to wish that I get in. That’s pretty ridic, I guess, but I want to hear others’ superstitions :smiley: so that I can convince myself I’m not toooo weird.</p>

<p>okay, pshan, you’re too weird even in my taste.
Just kidding! I hear you man, and you’re not weird.</p>

<p>Wait, you stay up till 11:11? For what though? I’m curious.
But don’t let your hyperparanoia ruin your great mind (right, fellow Yale SCEAr?)!</p>

<p>Whenever I look at the clock and it says 1:23, 12:34, or 11:11, I force myself to stare at it for a few seconds and then look away before it changes… If it changes while I look at it…
well, let’s not think about what might happen if that were to occur… :X</p>

<p>haha pshan, we’re like the same person! I knocked on all the cabinets in my kitchen today. and of course I stayed up on november 11 at 11:11. i’ve also refrained from wearing my lucky underwear until the 15th. idk, i think that not wearing it will “charge” the luckiness or something. haha and i sleep with the yale viewbook under my pillow. also, my mom is like the luckiest person in the world. one time we were flipping coins and she guessed right 7/7 times, which is pretty much impossible. so i made a deal with her: i will be perfectly obedient until the 15th in exchange for some luck.</p>

<p>whew, that felt good. it’s good to know that i’m not the only weirdo applying to yale. hope to see you other weirdos there!</p>

<p>so now we’re labeled “weirdos”</p>

<p>Not bad, huh?</p>

<p>hmmmm…I’ve rubbed “the foot” when I visited Yale, but I think that’s about it. :P</p>

<p>haha just embrace it, it’s an integral part of us</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I rubbed the foot, too! Good times… gooooood times…</p>

<p>So to give you my background, I am a left-handed pitcher in baseball as well as a cross country runner (two very superstitious groups, especially the baseball half), as well as being a Christian Humanist that believes in karma.</p>

<p>So my superstition is that I have been nice to others since the first of November, and if my karma builds up high enough I hope I get in.</p>

<p>wait, I rubbed both Woolsley’s and John Harvard’s feet!
Does that counterbalance the good luck from each school and cancel each other out?
OR have they already killed each other from last April???</p>

<p>lol, davidbonkoo, 11:11 is lucky, so you get to make a wish and it will (hopefully) come true!</p>

<p>haha, rachelchen, I hope we get in! Knocking on wood takes consistency, responsibility, and dedication (all good qualities for a Yale student, right?)</p>

<p>I’m going to click “Login” with my right hand, wearing my lucky sweater (wore it for a successful ACT!) I’m also going to drive properly on December 15th, coming to a full stop at stop signs (eh… I am guilty of “rolling” stops…) and driving to and from school obeying the speed limit. I’m going to NOT be late for school on Monday and I’m going to pray before I go to school and make myself some hot chocolate and listen to cheery Christmas songs while driving to school.</p>

<p>In essence, I’m going to try and make it the quintessential day (so that the quintessential answer from Yale will hopefully follow!)</p>

<p>haha i totally do all of the above… basically.
especially the 11:11 and 12:34 thing. i’ve been finding myself catching it more often lately. my mother also told me that if i dream something the opposite will come true, and i got deferred from yale in my sleep two nights ago (only two members of the committee voted for me to get in?), and rejected from all my colleges a week ago (i got them all on the same day?). i already knock on wood all the time, i even carry a small wooden pencil to make sure i have wood to knock on. though, in true pshan fashion, i plan on having a tree-knocking party sometime this week. my astrology reading says that i can really affect what happens on the 15th, so i plan on being extra-nice to people and basically being the perfect person that day. </p>


<p>aaaah-i just missed 12:34 :confused:
if- scratch that, when- i don’t get accepted, i’m going to blame it on that :P</p>

<p>I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that I received 254 “offers” from Yale, and that I needed to get 280 in order for me to get in. (Yeah, come to think of it, I believe it was around the time of the presidential elections, when I subconsciously sat for an hour watching the electoral votes change.) Stupid dream.</p>

<p>The only thing I would look at closely is if I had dreams. They can be hard to interpret at times because sometimes they tell you things in the most indirect way or the total opposite happens but they can tell you things sometimes…</p>

<p>Out of complete superstition I hired a team of mercenaries to make sure my competition at surrounding schools suffer a bad case of the “Sniper with high caliber ammunition on the rooftop of the house adjacent to yours” flue. </p>

<p>No, not really.</p>

<p>I am however trying to convince myself of the wisdom of my interviewer “No matter where you go, I’m confident you will be very successful”.
Apparently he’s told all his interviewees that though, so, eh.</p>



<p>Pianista, I REALLY hope what your mom said is true!!! Last night I had a dream that I got a letter from Yale with a giant “REJECTED” stamped in the middle…</p>

<p>Oh please please please please let your mom be right!!! :/</p>

<p>I have been saving wishbones for weeks… I plan to break them and make many wishes (or persuade the person who does get the long end to make wishes) for my acceptance to Yale. I think that will take up the time from when I get home from school to decision time. AHHH!</p>

<p>Anyway, I am going to be knocking on wood and looking at the clock all the time now!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the funny superstitions; it feels good to know that this decision is driving all of us to the end of our sanity :)</p>

<p>You CCers had me running all over school today knocking on any scrap of wood I could find…</p>