<p>"^^ I’ve heard it does benefit women as well. "</p>
<p>Sweet. Female minority. Whoot!</p>
<p>Nah jk. xD</p>
<p>“They aren’t crippled in their rights like they were.”</p>
<p>Not true. At all.</p>
<p>"^^ I’ve heard it does benefit women as well. "</p>
<p>Sweet. Female minority. Whoot!</p>
<p>Nah jk. xD</p>
<p>“They aren’t crippled in their rights like they were.”</p>
<p>Not true. At all.</p>
<p>How can a certain race be underrepresented or overrepresented? Who decides what the right amount of representation is for each race?</p>
Simple: look at the percentage of the population that is a certain race, and compare to the population at a college. If 10% of the population is Black but only 5% of students at the college are black, they’re underrepresented there. If 5% of the population is Asian but 30% of students at the college are Asian, they’re considered overrepresented.
Well women make up the majority of college students so we don’t normally benefit from Affirmative Action. We’re only underrepresented in Math/Science/Engineering, so a woman applying to an Engineering school might benefit, as would a woman applying for Grad school in the sciences. My professor told me that when I apply to Grad school, I’ll have a slight advantage because science research is so dominated by men. But female applicants applying to college for most majors don’t get a boost at all. We make up the majority of college students, and are overrepresented in Liberal Arts/Nursing/Education.</p>
<p>I’m guessing men applying for Nursing and Education majors benefit from Affirmative Action as well?</p>
<p>I always love the topic of racism. Minorities hate it when it inconveniences them but love it and are willing to defend it tooth and nail when it benefits them.</p>
<p>Everyone should be given an equal opportunity. Unfortunately, an increasingly large number of minorities seem to think that an equal opportunity constitutes preferential treatment and anything but that is racism.</p>
<p>i think people should be admitted based on merit, not race</p>
<p>^^agreed. anything to level the playing field is beneficial. anything giving people a leg up is bad.</p>
<p>if you’re going to waste time, create an account, and bother people, at least be witty. that’s just stupid.</p>
<p>Sure, Muscle, Sure.</p>
<p>“Minorities hate it when it inconveniences them but love it and are willing to defend it tooth and nail when it benefits them.”</p>
<p>I disagree. I really really really really disagree.</p>
<p>hey muscle7’sDaddy</p>
<p>i’ll give you five bucks if you can get to 50 posts without being banned</p>
<p>Hopefully you’ll read this although you said you weren’t going to argue anymore. Which is good because I’m not looking to argue, if you read my whole post I was kinda wishy washy about it.</p>
<p>Anyway, I’m not saying you have to do anything personally, especially something that I had nothing to do with you. I’m talking about bigger things than you, like, scholarships and stuff. I know there’s that whole scholarship unfairness as well, but minority scholarships are ust like other scholarships that have prerequisites. I can’t apply for scholarships that require my dad to be a fireman so it’s even. lol I don’t want you to do anything to make up for slavery, why should you? America just needs to grow as a country.</p>
<p>yeah but imagine if you created a white scholarship award</p>
<p>“for academic and cultural excellence and for progressing the white race”</p>
<p>That sounds like Nazism. xD</p>
<p>I’d think it would be more like something for Italian Americans or German Americans. Not just a scholarship for ‘white’ people.</p>
<p>well there are scholarships for black people</p>
<p>There are scholarships for all ethnicities. </p>
<p>Latino, Native American, Italian Americans etc.</p>
<p>They have scholarships for everything and anything. Heck, they have a “tall people” scholarship
a “left-handed” scholarship, a “duck-calling” scholarship.
<a href=“http://www.collegeandfinance.com/32-weird-scholarships-almost-anyone-can-get/[/url]”>http://www.collegeandfinance.com/32-weird-scholarships-almost-anyone-can-get/</a></p>
<p>I stand behind Muscle7’s Daddy. Two is an army. They just hate happiness.</p>
<p>That’s exactly my point. There are scholarships for everything. In some way someone is going to get discriminated against. I’m not left handed so I can’t apply for those scholarships for leftys. lol I think there should be scholarships for white races. but in the form that comiclover said. But if you really want pure white scholarships maybe look on the kkk’s website. lol A lot of minority scholarships are given out by minority organizations, I am aware that some are given by corporations but I’m saying minorities have formed organizations in the past to help advance themselves and happen to give out scholarships. It makes sense that they would want to do that. That’s all I’m saying. So look to Irish American, Italian American, and Scottish American organizations for scholarships. </p>
<p>But like others said, think it should AA should be geared toward lower classes. Which just happen to be made up of mostly minorities, statically speaking. But if it wasn’t I would still stand by the fact that it should be geared toward lower classes.</p>
More should be expected from those who win the birth lottery and have every advantage in the world than those who come from more humble backgrounds. Accomplishments should be viewed relative to the means available to achieve them.
<p>And by implication, less should be expected from people like me. To be honest, I would rather not be patronized.</p>
<p>Yes, less should be expected of you, and rightly so – if you start on the bottom of the ladder, you must expend more energy to get to the top. If your ego gets in the way of an acceptance of this harsh reality, fine. However, predicating your argument on the basis that you have as much potential as anyone else, circumstances and everyone else be damned, is highly narcissistic and specious.</p>