Do you need a Car in college?

<p>Do you need a car in college if you are living on-campus? Planning to go to a California State University.</p>

<p>Which CSU? It’s going to vary a lot.</p>

<p>For example, if you went to SF State, you probably wouldn’t need one because SF’s public transportation is so good.</p>

<p>But I go to Sonoma State, and I think I’d hate it if I didn’t have my car because the buses are very limited (especially on weekends).</p>

<p>If you’re not used to having your own car and don’t mind relying on others to get where you wanna go, OR the public transportation in the town where you’ll be living is good, you probably don’t need one.</p>

<p>Otherwise, bring it.</p>

<p>You don’t need one, but it’s good to have one.</p>

<p>If you’re considering bringing a car, check out the parking situation at your school. Some schools won’t even let freshman bring their cars, and others will, but they’re forced to park at the end of the universe.</p>

<p>…and others will let you have decent spaces, even as a freshman. My dorm’s most local parking deck is largely first come, first serve.</p>

<p>I don’t have a car, and have found that I really don’t need one. It would be nice to have one so I could go home more easily/often, but I can usually catch a ride with my roommate and when I can’t, there’s a Greyhound station within the campus bus system that I can get home on.</p>

<p>It depends on your campus’ availabilities and your own need. At my old college, I never had a car and didn’t need one. There was a grocery store on campus and a school-run van that would take you everywhere else you needed to go and getting a cab was cheap, always $3 no matter where you go in the city. </p>

<p>On-campus parking there was pretty hellish, anyway. One of my friends would have to park all the way across campus in a snow and ice-filled parking lot and then make a thirty minute walk back to her dorm since finding open spots was near impossible.</p>

<p>I agree with PlattsburghLoser, that it depends on your needs. I don’t have a car and really don’t need one. Everything is right on campus. Plus I live in the same city as my college so if I need a ride home one of my family members picks me up. However, if I ever decide to have a car, the parking lot designated for residents is right across the street from my dorm.</p>

<p>I don’t have a car and I don’t need one at all. All university students in my area get to take the bus for free with our student ID and the bus runs quite often, so almost everyone uses it instead. It’s a small city but with bad roads/parking so no one really wants to drive around anyway. A lot of people tend to walk, even when the weather is crappy.</p>