<p>I heard a similar story. A MIT professor went to court to fight his tenure case a few years back and his attorny was graduate from NovaSoutheastern. I guess this means it is up the individual to get the most out of his/her education.</p>
Nova has a Tier 4 law school, that is their claim to fame.
<p>I don't know about their law school but...</p>
<p>Nova has some very good programs for Dental, Medical, and Pharmacy. According to my predental friends, the saying is "If I don't get into Nova, I can always go to NYU's dental school."</p>
<p>Furthermore, graduates from their medical school have gotten residencies at Yale, Johns Hopkins, Mayo, and Vanderbilt. </p>
<p>Not too shabby for a school that is "just a Tier 4."</p>
<p>Thanks a lot for your contribution</p>
<p>Let’s clear this thread up quick with some cold hard facts. Sorry guys, but NSU is a great school. It’s the 7th largest private non-profit university in the nation for a reason. US News and World Reports Ranks NSU as a Tier 2 school, so you’re way off base. [Nova</a> Southeastern University - Best College - Education - US News](<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/ft.-lauderdale-fl/nova-1509]Nova”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/ft.-lauderdale-fl/nova-1509)</p>
<p>Also, NSU has a selectivity rating of 45% so it’s a selective private college. I would get your facts straight before slamming a school. NSU keeps growing and getting better, Go Sharks!</p>
<p>I would strongly discourage this school. It is a step-up from the online colleges. You should be able to do better. There are plenty of state flagships that will probably take you.</p>
<p>I have friends who just wasted their time and money. Most faculty there are graduates from the same school “NSU” and have little to none “real” research published. Many of their instructors do not even speak English and have negative ratings in [Rate</a> My Professors | Find and rate your professor, campus and more - RateMyProfessors.com](<a href=“http://www.ratemyprofessors.com%5DRate”>http://www.ratemyprofessors.com). I’m so glad I did not follow my friends to this school. I have half a dozen papers published as product of real research I have been doing at my current state university.</p>
<p>I hate all of the misinformation posted by people who do not know as much as they think they do about Nova. I had a great experience with their program in computer information systems. Before starting the program, I research my options, and Nova was the best option possible without taking three years off work to work on a PhD. The school is not an online school, but they are rather advanced in the area of distance education and have a broad offering of programs in this modality. </p>
<p>The faculty are great. My dissertation advisor earned his PhD in Decision and Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University. I could not have had a better experience working with him, but the requirements are rigorous. Do not think you will be handed a degree without earning it. </p>
<p>Nova is in the second tier of National Universities, as someone had already mentioned, not tier four and is ranked in the top 280 research universities in the country by U.S. News and World Report. The Princeton Review rated it as one of the best distance learning graduate schools in the country in 2008. Washington Monthly ranked it as the 239th best national university. </p>
<p>The school is, of course, regionally accredited by SACS. All classes are taught by faculty and 84% of the faculty have terminal degrees. So enough of the trashing of Nova. It is a good school and a great option for those who can not quite work to do the more traditional PhD program.</p>