<p>GPA: ~3.9 unweighted
SAT: 2100 (690 CR, 710 M, 700 W). I'm retaking it in the fall for hopefully 2250+.
Math IIC: 780
US History: 700
Biology: 690
AP Bio: 4
AP Chem:5
AP US: 5</p>
-Cross Country (varsity)
-Ultimate Frisbee (varsity)
-Writing tutor
-Math tutor
-Math club and team - I took the AMC 10 and was school winner, and took the AMC 12 this year (received pin for special achievement)
-Chapel Choir - I play rhythm guitar
-Jazz Band - I play lead saxaphone and lead flute
-School Rock Band - Lead guitar
-Applied Music Honors - School credit for taking guitar lessons outside of school
-National Honor Society
-National Merit Semi-Finalist
-Thanksgiving food drive decorating boxes and delivering goods
-Volunteer at various school functions (open house, etc.)
- Relay for life and special olympics volunteer
- I worked for my dad part time over the past 3 summers
-Next year: I will be math club and math center (tutoring) president, a peer leadership mentor (my school has a competitive application process for this), and will be co-founder of an environmentalist club</p>
<p>-Headmistress list (4.0 GPA or above) for the majority of my high school career
-Book prize awarded last year for academic excellence as well as excellence in other fields.
-University of Rochester: Bausch & Lomb
-4 year, full tuition scholarship to my school (4 are awarded)</p>
<p>List of Schools:
Brown - Early Decision
Boston College
University of Rochester</p>
<p>I would say add more reaches at the level of Dartmouth and Brown...schools very similar academically and you'll have an increased chance of getting into one</p>
<p>If you like Dartmouth, Cornell, Williams, Lehigh, you might want to look at Colgate and Bucknell which are similar and kind of a combination of the aforementioned four, but more of a match for you, or at least easier to get into than Brown, Dartmouth, Williams. If you were to apply to another reach, I wouldn't go for Yale or Columbia, which aren't really that similar to any of these, but something more along the lines of Princeton or Amherst.</p>
<p>You have to go with what you have now, and revise IF you get higher scores. Keep in mind that many schools are looking at the SAT1 verbal and math as one number, and then lumping the writing with the SAT2s. That gives you a 1400 SAT1. I would say most of your choices are reaches. BC, Lehigh, Rochester are matches. Male/Female, major and geographic combined can affect those numbers. Your other schools are tough reaches, some lottery tickets.
I'm conservative, so I would look for a good safety, and then go to town on the choices you like. I think you are very likely to get into at least one of the matches, and of course the safety. You just might get into the top schools if you can strike a chord with them, with something they really want.</p>
<p>No matter what anyone says, I am the best at Frisbee. I would say that is more than half the reason I am going to college. I didn't have very high hopes for that until I became a national merit semifinalist, so now I can get a full ride to cincinnati or something. Frisbee for me!!!!</p>