Do you want to go Harvard?

<p>Do you want to go to Harvard? So do I... :)</p>

Thank you for spending your time reading this.
I'm an international student from Turkmenistan ( tiny country in Central Asia)</p>

<p>I really need some help you guys to chance me:</p>

<p>The good things about me are:</p>

<p>**NO one has ever gone to Harvard from my motherland. I'm 80 % sure no one has ever applied. (I guess I'm a minority? BUt I'm not sure if it matters..)</p>

<p>ACT - perfect - writing 10 out of 12
6 perfect SAT 2 subject scores Physics
Math 1,
MAth 2,
Us history,</p>

<h2> World History</h2>

<p>I Speak 8 languages fluently Turkmen,

<h2>Soccer all my life</h2>

<p>Track - State qualifier. 800 m ( never ran track before)</p>

<p>The sad thing is that I'm not an olympic champion. Neither do I have an international award that sets me out of 30,000 applicants.....</p>

<p>I didn't get enough opportunities to participate in international contests...</p>


<p>HOW DOES THE PROCESS works for internationals applicants to Harvard?
1) Do internals compete with all the applicants? or Does harvard have only 10% like most other colleges do?</p>

<p>2) Are there spots that internals compete for?</p>



<p>I don’t think you realize that you posted in the Graduate School area here. Please look at the categories and choose a more relevant area.</p>

<p>Harvard is fine, but it is only one of at least 20 elite schools. Really there are at least 100 fine schools here, and likely 500 more that would suit your academic and career interests, in all seriousness.</p>

<p>We know someone from Kazakstan who is attending an Ivy.</p>

<p>American students get priority at all American universities, public and private. Some try harder than others to attract internationals (by funding), but they are still smaller minority and have to have the top stats.</p>

<p>^ This was the graduate school area? Oh. Well, anyways, turkmentornado, you have GREAT chances. Not only is the place you’re from a benefit, but the fact that even in those circumstances, you were able to get perfect scores and play soccer and things like that and excel shows that you have initiative. I don’t really know what your other things were like, such as recommendations, essays, and your ECs, but that language thing will help you SO MUCH. That seriously makes you unique. I don’t know many people who can speak 8 languages fluently. Wow.</p>

<p>this is graduate school area? not according to basically all the threads here…</p>

<p>Wow turkmentornado! I would say you definitely have a shot at Harvard. Your test scores are very impressive, as well as your fluency in so many languages. Of course, they are looking for characteristic qualities seen in essays, teacher recs, and your interview, so keep that in mind. Because you come from Turkemenistan, you will definitely provide a diversity that Harvard is looking for. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you ppl for your answers.
Good luck you all!</p>

<p>This post was in the graduate school forum when BrownParent posted, but I moved it here.</p>

<p>Thank you Molliebatmit!</p>

<li>I know 2 people from Turkmenistan who went to Harvard.</li>
<li>You do not have a perfect ACT.</li>
<li>You do not speak 8 languages.</li>

<p>Where do you go to school now?</p>

<p>@turkmentornado - I think you have a very good shot of getting in…don’t listen to some of the haters out there. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>@webass - regarding your 1st point…I assume the people you probably know where not int’l students but rather immigrants/children of immigrants from turkmenistan that lived in the US and attended harvard. Those are not counted as int’l students. According to Harvard, as of the fall of 2010 there is only 1 living alumni from turkmenistan and that person attended HKS.
(<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;)…</p>

<p>People from East Timor, Gabon, and Djibouti need to apply.</p>