<p>Does anyone on CC watch Doctor Who? None of my friends at school do except for one, and the few friends I got to sit down and watch an episode with me thought it was weird. </p>
<p>If you do watch it, who's your favorite doctor?</p>
<p>Does anyone on CC watch Doctor Who? None of my friends at school do except for one, and the few friends I got to sit down and watch an episode with me thought it was weird. </p>
<p>If you do watch it, who's your favorite doctor?</p>
<p>I never watched it but I thought it looked cool. </p>
<p>I’m kinda intrigued by the tagline ‘All of space and time follow me’ and the fact that the doctor (the guy on the poster - I dunno which one, I didn’t know there WERE more doctors actually) travels around in a red telephone booth. </p>
<p>Should I start watching?</p>
<p>A BUNCH of my friends watch it (5-10) and I’ve been dying for all this college app stuff to be done with so I can catch up.
Great show!
I haven’t watched all the doctors/seasons so I’m not sure who I love the most…</p>
<p>David Tennant is definitely my favorite doctor actor.</p>
<p>YES! It is the best show. If you have netflix, you can start from season one, or go to sidereel. I don’t like the first doctor and some of the episodes in the first season as much, and I hate the first episode. But it gets really good, especially as you get into season two and David Tennant plays the Doctor. If you’ve seen Harry Potter, David Tennant play Barty Crouch Jr.</p>
<p>i watched it twice. pretty much the worst tv show i’ve ever seen. sorry. just my opinion. lots of people like it though. i’m the only person i know who hates it.</p>
<p>Looks like it’s a love-it-or-hate-it kind of show…wasn’t it based on an original back in the 80s or something?</p>
<p>Yeah, it originally started waaaaay back. But the seasons that most people start from are recent. The season one I was referring too came out sometime in 2005 I think? Im not entirely sure. If you want to watch an episode or two just to get a feel for it, I suggest: The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink(one of my favorites!), and Tooth and Claw.</p>
<p>LOVE IT! haha, like no one except me and my best friend and a couple of other random people at my school watch it…I love Davy Tennant but Mattie Smith just brings a whole new side of the doctor to the show! I’m counting down the days till’ I go to college and meet a hot nerd that watched DW too haha</p>
<p>I would love to watch it, but it looks like a lot of episodes to catch up on. And I don’t have that much time lately. </p>
<p>For now, I can only make shallow references to it so as to please my fellow nerds.</p>
<p>I started watching in 2009, thereabouts? I’m having my exams now so no TV watching for me.</p>
<p>@roxi0428 Matt Smith is great. Hahaha I’m counting down for that moment too!</p>
<p>@marisashana completely understandable! If you have some free time though you should watch one of the episodes I mentioned above:)</p>
<p>yes it’s great! i started watching last year, but with the Eccleston series… Matt Smith is my favorite!</p>
<p>I love Doctor Who! My favorite doctor would have to be David Tennant but I am warming up to Matt Smith.</p>
<p>Pertwee all the way! Matt Smith is cool too.</p>
<p>@youliveandlearn Blink is one of my all time favs too.</p>
<p>Is Blink the one with the Weeping Angels? That freaked me out for like a whole month and still sometimes freaks me out when I think about it.</p>
<p>Those Weeping Angels scared me so much. That was a ridiculously freaky episode!</p>
<p>I basically ****ed in my pants in that episode…So scary!..I’m thinking about being a weeping angel for halloween next year teehee :)…or a kissogram like Amy Pond…</p>
<p>I was so scared with the weeping angels too! especially when they came back in the last season. woops, SPOILER. </p>
<p>The episode with the little boy and the gas mask freaked me out too a lot.</p>
<p>Omg!!! My best friend loves that show!!! The Doctor!!! Ohhhh, shes in love with him, just her type… Lanky, nerdy, and awkard! : )</p>